I love farming visions… well, love/hate is probably the better term. What I hate is when I’m almost to the 2nd floor of a long bounty run and one pops. Do I take the vision? If I do the odds are good I’ll have to retrace my entire path to get back since 30s isn’t enough time to make it back thru 9 floors.
Suggestion: When a vision closes it puts you back where you first entered. If you really want to go to town then port back before it closes. This would be a MASSIVE QoL win for solo players and probably for groups as well.
You can just not take it, finish the bounty at hand and go back later. You can easily use the stone at the end of the two floor dungeon to teleport back to entrance if it popped at the first floor or outside of the dungeon. It isn’t supposed to be convenient for bots or players; just optional challenge that pops into existence randomly.
The delay of 30 seconds ain’t supposed to be enough to get out on foot either but salvage and blink at another waypoint somewhere else. You supposed to take it later when it’s convenient so you can get back to where you are and start another bounty. The challenge offered is always optional, so it’s better that you finish the current bounty to get back later or just take it on the spot to risk a long journey.
I hate that. It pops RIGHT BEFORE you get to the second floor. Hmmm. So, I complete the second floor bounty objective, then hoof it back to the vision portal. What really sucks, is when it pops before a boss fight. NO WAY TO GO BACKWARDS after you kill the boss. NOPE. Have to do the long trek to the portal. 9/10 times, I just ignore the portal and move on. If it’s too much of an inconvenience, I DON’T CARE about the portal.
Innocent question: do you continue to do bounties once certain items (like RoRG) have been acquired?
Yeah… for the mats to craft.
They’re the absolute best way (because of the occasional goblin floors) of farming white/blue/yellow mats. Nothing else even comes close.
That misses many visions. Just today I was running the Vidian boss bounty. I popped 3 visions in the first area. Then one in the 2nd. Fortunately you can exit the boss room and return to that area. Had I followed your advice I would’ve missed 3 vision runs. That’s a major loss even though it was a pain to hoof it back multiple times. And, yes, one of those 3 had a goblin floor… several thousand much needed mats dropped.
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Maybe, but I admit that it’s been a while since I’ve done bounties, because I was fed up with the portal that opened just before Adria (for example).
I find it more profitable to only do visions.
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I basically do bounties as a productive to way to do visions. And, when I’m done, I get a nice chunk of mats as an added bonus. That way if I farm 5 maps, get 7 visions, and no goblin floors I still get white/blue/yellow drops from Tyreal. Playing a build (Tal’s Wizard) that uses TWO crafted sets is a real drain on the mats. Especially trying to get a decent helm from either guardian or aughild’s. Ugh. Over 250 crafted and still no usable ancient one.
Not saying I don’t agree with you that returning you to where the portal spawn is a good idea, but if your speed build is decent, going from the WP to where you left off shouldn’t take you more than the 30 seconds of running back out of the Vision.
While it is more efficient to just run cow sticks, temple of the first born, or ruins of corvus, it gets boring really fast for me. I do bounty runs for Visions to give me some sense of variety. On top of this, I invite people when I collect, so it makes me feel good to help out others.
Did that earlier today… full T16 bounties shared with 3 others. You’re right it does feel good.
I have the habit of never doing the same runs precisely to avoid boredom.
![:+1: :+1:](https://d1hnj6esvk269c.cloudfront.net/en/d3/images/emoji/twitter/+1.png?v=12)
There is, but only for some bosses. For some bosses you can just go right back out the door. For some others there’s no way back though.
Gloves of Worship and Avarice Band?
I do the bounty and return to the portal if I wish. Also when doing bounties… go to menu as you start the first one and open to public. 4 man gets all chests.
You don’t need to farm portals. Just go to blacksmith and buy top Gold Polearm… take to cube 3 for Cow stick… launch cow and it opens 2-5 of them in there. Enjoy
That area is probably the best to spawn visions, so it’s not representative.
It’s really a matter of what you want to do with your time. if you go straight to vidian without waiting for the roaches to spawn, then you’re on to next bounty in like a minute or 90 seconds. While if you slow down to kill all the mobs and do all the visions you’ll be like 5-10 minutes depending how many and how long visions you get. So it just comes down to if you want to spend the time doing bounties or farming visions.
You’ll only be running bounties early season to get rorg, gloves of worship and avarice band. Maybe an hour or two total (not counting stops for visions). You’re going to farm visions anyway, so don’t think it matters much if you take visions along the way during bounties, or get the bounties out of the way first. Minmax depends on if it’s faster to generate a new vision, or to retrace after vision, and I think in most cases retracing would be faster? Both should be quite quick though, as your T16 build is lightning fast. Idk, as long as you either go in or continue the bounty immediately you’re fine, at most losing a few seconds.
I think this only costs you significant amount of time if you do bounties without a proper bounty build or if you spend a lot of time hesitating on whether to continue the bounty or do the vision.
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