Someone above said if they buff Monks and Barbs they’d be afraid of those classes taking up the trash killing role. That’s completely ridiculous.
Barbs would need to do maybe 100 times the damage they do now to match a LON StarPact Wizard in 4 player. Maybe even more.
And no 100x is not an exageration. StarPact 1 shots elites in 150 4p games at relatively low paragon.
People don’t understand how far ahead Wizards and Necros really are when it comes to damage in groups.
Problem is more that Blizzard does not seem to understand either
For her quotes, I bolded key points.
The musings of George Bernard Shaw and David Bowie’s song “Underground” keep running through my mind.
If they set it up the way you would of done it, maybe, but I know that those change in simple numbers, can cause all sorts of problems further down the line
After looking up what a software architect engineer is, you are just the person that gives the orders and leave it to the actual programmers to make it happen
An actual computer programmer or whatever the actual title is of the person writing the actual program has more of a clue as to what can and can’t be done in said program
@Steve, I was an engineer for ~5-6 years. I did a good job and learned the architecture so they let me do design work for other engineers. You don’t become a software architect if you can’t program
Wow do people actually believe that changjng a variable such as “Demon Hunter Set Bonus 5” from [10,000%] to [40,000%] or whatever is “impossible” or a super complicated genius level programming feat?
They literally just added way more complicated code such as an amulet that doubles your damage until you take damage or an amulet that doubles pylon duration and Messerchmidt’s Reaver which gives you reduced cooldown on kill etc.
You think they can do all of that, and add stuff no one is really askjng for, but CAN’T static item values?
Come on, use your critical thinking. PicklesJR is is right about set bonuses.
Ah I skipped that part… So… Sad that they can not fix the core issues that restrict them.