I wanted to try and come up with a Black Hole centric build that uses Black Hole as its main source of damage. Initially I had it as a reverse Archon build using Vyr, but I’m afraid that variant would just end up having most of its damage coming from Archon. So instead I decided to make it an LoD build for the flexibility and to avoid other skills stealing the spotlight.
It’s currently still a bit of a WIP and I’d appreciate any feedback on it. My main goal for this build is to be able to run T16 (not necessarily quickly). The constraints I have for the build are:
- Black Hole is the main source of damage (or at least an appreciable nuke). Manald Heal might be ok but is not preferred.
- It can’t use Spellsteal or Absolute Zero since those two runes are too overused IMO and not very interesting.
On a related note, anyone have any other silly non-meta builds?
I once made a build where the main damage skill was Teleport: Calamity to try and get it into the challenge rift. It was way too strong with LoD to do the right GR range in the right time for the challenge rift (that really says something about the state of challenge rifts now, doesn’t it?) so I had to go without LoD. I used Blackthorne’s instead.
Is there a way for people to submit builds for challenge rifts? I thought they were just created by employees.
Challenge Rifts are selected from GR45-55s run on the right class in previous weeks, i.e. they’re other people’s actual GR runs.
I’ve tried making an all electric LoD build that relied heavily on Slow Time. It can easily clear GR80-85 and with lots of ancient gear I’ve pushed it to GR90 but it hits a wall. The damage from Manald just doesn’t proc enough. Another problem is the cool downs. So I switched out In-Geom for the Starlight wand and cubed Messerschmidt’s. That way killing trash quickly resets everything and I don’t have to rely on hitting elites every 15 seconds.
I think the explosion at the end of the Fire-rune black hole will proc Firebird six-piece set damage.
It does. But when I tried using that instead of Explosive Blast when they first nerfed the FB set but I found the much longer cool down on Black Hole made it a pain to use.
Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac with continuous Disintegrate?
Does ORotZ proc per tic? That could be silly
I made a max cdr FB using the fire rune of BH. It’s ridiculous but fun in its own right. Easily do T16 cause ya know, FB proc is strong. BH actually procs FB bonus twice per cast
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Nice, grats!
What build did you end up using? The BH animation is slow enough for Deathwish to kick in right? Obsidian ring to reset cooldown?
Can you even use orb of infinite depth without having EB dominate the damage?? Or karini instead? Or maybe don’t even need that defense on T16? If not ooid, then what is the third weapon/source after deathwish and firebirds off-hand??
First we should agree that Black Hole, is a wizard ability. It is both sword and shield, so this is a defensive example of skills like Withstand, or Fortify.
The skill of Black Hole, is that they alter environment, and that cleverly blocks ‘line of sight’, required for many spells. It conceals effectively creatures that require ‘monster reveal’ cards, before an action can be declared against the item base. Like all creatures, the power of the item is scaled above the effected area. That makes them a deployment zone for the revealed creature being generated. “LZ Cleat”, is one example, of a revealed base location.
Items that of this type, are left after a creature is defeated. If the creature is not revealed, it alters the environment to create an area used to summon creatures from its zone environment.
LoD, builds can work with this by use of the negative environment effects. That becomes an ability untill it gets challenged. Its a jester wand, of a different kind, thats still a strong power that could defeat creatures without base easily.