Shrink shared stash, add character stash space?

I’m not so sure about this. Lets dumb it down and see.

Lets say 5 shared tabs across all characters.
Each character gets 5 private tabs = max characters x 5 tabs each = 17 (if you have expansion and DLC) x 5 = 85 tabs.

Private tabs (85) + 5 (Shared tabs) = 90 tabs.

Currently max tab is 13.

Unless I’m misunderstanding, private tabs adds A LOT more space. A few items may cross characters and those can go into shared while the rest can remain in character specific tabs.

When game loads it loads a max of 10 tabs (5 shared and 5 for the character you’re loading in with - solves technical issue).

The game can handle 13 tabs currently so maybe even have 5 private and 8 shared.

Spared memory allowed per client is limited. That’s what I tried to convey if you were to read. Splitting stash tabs will not result in more, as data stored had to be in mind. You’re talking about giving more each client twelve times as large memory space each.
If you allowed to store 5 mb of data per client, Blizzard will NOT quadruple that amount without any further measures to the servers. They pay annually for that memory space to the data centers and besides PC there are console based servers too even if they’re third parties. Paying a data center or allowing more memory space per client is not magic.

I thought the technical issue was not storage space but loading of the items into game. Because for some stupid reason, the game loads all 18 tabs for every player in game leading to performance issues. Is this not correct?

Meaning for a 4 player party with max tabs it’s loading up 72 tabs and each tabs has forgot, how many squares of item storage, which = a lot.

Remember, they wanted to give us 5 additional tabs but had to stop, I forgot at 1 or 2. So it wasn’t storage since the intent was to have at least 5 more.

That’s only possible through special edition. For a reason they put a higher price tag on that so they can manage by lower demand. They’re not aiming for breaking their servers, they want to sustain them for years.

Nope. Each client gets a spared limited memory. You’re asking to split a few bars of chocolate to 12 pieces and telling me that it will result in more chocolate.

Hmm am I reading it wrong?
"Q: What are the technical limitations preventing us from adding more stash tabs?

To explain this, we have to start with the foundation on which Diablo III is built.

Most objects in the games are actors: special effects, enemies, summons, followers, and items. Gems, weapons, armor, potions, pets, crafting materials, and more; all the things we love to horde. All players in a party sync on everything that every player has - in memory, all the time.

That doesn’t sound like a lot at first, but it adds up very fast. The more actors active in a game (like enemies on screen AND items in your stash), the more the game will tax your system’s memory. This issue on console is particularly difficult because there is a limit to how much system memory we can access. PC is more flexible in this manner, which is why we’re able to add more stash space there.

On console, we tried lowering the number of tabs to be added, but there was still an unacceptable rise in latency and rubberbanding. As much as we’d all enjoy the additional stash space, it’s not worth the cost to gameplay."

Nothing about space but loading actors - even in consoles. Isn’t items kept in console memory so space really doesn’t seem to be the issue, it’s the dumb way the game loads all items in stash.

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How to Obtain Number of Stash tabs granted
Diablo 3 4 (1 granted immediately, 3 bought with gold)
Reaper of Souls 2 (bought with gold)
Necromancer DLC 2 (granted immediately)
Seasonal Conqueror 5 (1 per season, takes a total of 5 seasons)

That’s a total of 13. Where are you getting another 5 from?

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What you’re quoting there is about “synchronization”, it’s irrelevant to “memory space”. That doesn’t mean they don’t pay data centers annually for a limited budget. In case you want more items, that translates into more memory space per client.
To answer, I think you’re reading wrong.

Thanks for the heads up.

Sorry, it’s late miscounted and updated post. :slight_smile:

You have source where they mention that “memory space” is the issue for not having more stash space? The only reason I’ve seen so far for not being able to provide more is “synchronization”.

Why did they limit stash space for consoles? Don’t consoles keep “memory space” on the console?

They did intend to give us more space and it was on the PTR so I don’t buy that server space is an issue unless you have source.

" In addition, we encountered a lot of technical issues with increasing overall stash space for players. Unfortunately, as these issues caused significant degredation of the overall gameplay experience, we ultimately had to take a step back on this quality of life improvement and table it for now."

And the degredation was loading all those “actors”.

"Q: What are the technical limitations preventing us from adding more stash tabs?

To explain this, we have to start with the foundation on which Diablo III is built.

Seriously, where in their explanation of “preventing us from adding more stash space” do they talk about server space?

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Companies pay data centers a limited annual budget if they can increase it without limitations that’s their call. That’s their budget. A quick google search about where diablo 3 servers may give you answers.

If you want each character to stock up to 10 mb of data instead of 2mb for hundred thousand client potential, which makes it 120-150 mb each, company have to pay for extra space to the data center for maintenance. Each stored item, will result in extra memory space, which adds up among hundred thousands.

I’m not sure if your suggestion would be the solution to anything, as synchronization is only one aspect of the problem plus, mass resetting realm is something they tend to avoid.

Servers of consoles handled by a third party still it has to offer the same features as PC. Consoles have multiplayer function too.

I’m not sure, if you think spared limited memory is magic or not. Data centers get paid to keep servers alive and they charge by memory space as they also host other massively multiplayer or multiplayer master servers in the same center. Most data centers are not dedicated to only hosting one server.

I understand this but in their explanation they never once said it was server cost. They gave an actual explanation pointing to performance issue.

If memory space was an issue, why even drop the carrot on the PTR to give us 5? I’m sure they knew how much space they could offer.

Also, game is old, if they offered more space, how many players will actually be using it now days? Not as many compared to how much was originally sold, that’s for sure.

As for actual server cost and how much memory is needed for one extra tab, give me some quotes/sources.

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How can they explain that? It’s talking about company budget.

If you go back to the times when Nev was a CM, once they tried that in the PTR. Giving good news to everyone that they will be giving 5 free stash spaces, just to retract that up to 5 additional stash spaces gated behind seasonal rewards. Then, even without these news getting cooled, suddenly Nev had to announce that they only can give one additional stash space gated behind seasonal rewards.
If this doesn’t translate as memory space, I don’t know what would.

It did not translate into memory space being the issue. Again, I’m sure they knew how much space they could make available before offering it based on their active player base.

They gave an actual explanation for why it had to be retracted and it was the “synchronization” issue.

"Q: What are the technical limitations preventing us from adding more stash tabs?

To explain this, we have to start with the foundation on which Diablo III is built …

How can they not explain it? Many company talk about the reason certain features not being implemented due to cost or they don’t give a reason at all. However, in this case they DID give a reason and it wasn’t space.

And you were the one that brought up … google D3 servers… and now you’re saying there isn’t anything on it because it’s business. /shrug

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The point is learning how data centers process and price their services. Big companies have annual budgets to skim on. Googling D3 servers won’t give you much information besides afew data center locations that are active or not used anymore.

Google searching for annual data center cost brought something like this for the ownership:

" The average yearly cost to operate a large data center ranges from $10 million to $25 million. A little less than half is spent on hardware, software, disaster recovery, continuous power supplies and networking. Another large portion goes toward ongoing maintenance of applications and infrastructure."

Regarding this, the annual cost of renting some memory space can be measured in a few million dollars per year. Companies don’t tend to bang the cash on the table without planning. By memory space, if you cut a chocolate bar to twelve pieces you’ll have the same amount, not more.

Define Large.

Even better, prove that D3 requires a Large data center.

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You can’t prove anything but give a wild guesstimate about their costs. I said it’s the ownership of a data center, rent values differ by data center and varies by memory space.
When you dig deep into the data centers, you’ll see they only do hosting for 2-3 different master servers and they have to profit off from that as well.

If you don’t wanna take memory space as an excuse that’s understandable as I don’t tend to believe anything written by another but do my own research.

That doesn’t answer the question because it doesn’t offer the cost for size of server. And there is no source for how much it would actual cost to increase storage per tab.

Seems based on your quote, a lot of the cost doesn’t seem to go into space, which I gather to be just the “hardware” portion if what’s listed.

  1. They initially planned to offer more space
  2. They clearly stated that the issue was due to " Synchronization"

I’m unsure why you refuse to accept the explanation they provide because in all honestly, the answer would have been better if they said it was cost. They way they explained it pretty much equates to… well the loot of D3 is just too great we couldn’t build a system to contain it!

Not even if it’s written by Blizzard themselves? I did my research and quoted the sources.

If I was to talk hypotheticals, I would say I don’t think they would store any graphic assets that would take up lots of space. I would guesstimate they break all items into a few character strings and storing characters relatively don’t take up much space.

They were thinking of offering 5 more stash tabs, so I’m guessimating, they must have known it was something they could do. They pulled out of it after testing and pointed to technical issues, which they explained and I quoted.

$25M/yr * 10 years is $250M.

Out of 30M sales of D3, that would be ~$8.33 per sale to run all of Blizzard, not just D3, for 10 years.

I doubt Server Memory is the issue.

Do you spend all your salary at one place? I may like chocolate, but I won’t buy chocolate bars with all my earnings, that’d be absurd.

Money is not entirely an issue, sure, but they have to profit off from that. They ought to manage company resources and they have a limited annual or five year budget. Companies work on budgets and limitations to manage and sustain their resources.
No, they won’t spend their entire earnings that year to a data center but they have to shift the resources between studios, subsidiaries, start advertisement campaigns to media outlets and pay salaries to their workers too.

Sad to say, but yes. It’s better to do your own research to come to a conclusion yourself. You are free to not believe it because Blizzard officials haven’t mentioned such thing even once but what I’m saying is not far fetched from logic of how things worked so far.