Shrine/Pylon themed season?

The seasonal buff will combine Gloves of Worship (10 min Shrines), Flavor of Time (1 min Pylons), Nemesis Bracers (Summons a Rare/Champ). Also, all of the effects should be doubled. Increase the spawn rate of the Bandit Shrine and double the amount of Goblins spawned.

It’s not OP in any, way, shape or form. I think it would be fun. Players don’t have to worry about getting that GG Flavor or cubing Nemesis. GR’s and Rifts will go a lot faster. Don’t have to worry about that one player tagging a shrine/pylon even though he/she knows that another player has Nemesis equipped/cubed.

If there is some imagination still left in the creative team at Blizzard, maybe they can add some more cool stuff to the theme that would be Shrine/Pylon related. I don’t know, just spit ballin’ here.


i had a idea like this once, i like it

Already sound a lot better than…Season 20 theme.

Nice idea, I think it is enough tbh not much else needed.