Should we postpone the Release?

Hello, I was interested in making a thread that includes all the changes we are interested in and debate over them and saw someone else beat me to it and it dawned on me that as much as I already want the remaster in my hands, personally I would rather they took their time with it and make it as best as they can on the first try

considering how well they did with the remaster so far I trust them to even add content to the game if needs be, but as seen from their other projects I don’t think they remained to supply games with additional content and this may very well be our only chance to receive such a well polished product from a group that knows how to handle their remasters

Would you be for or against a delay in the release date and why?


Against because it’d be entirely unnecessary. There is no good reason to complicate D2R with new gameplay mechanics. If Blizzard releases a faithful D2R, no one will be surprised - it is the expected, more normal path at this point, and no one can meaningfully fault Blizzard for keeping D2R mostly like D2. That is the most basic definition of D2R, anyway. But if D2R is quite different from D2, we will have quite a lot of reason to criticize Blizzard. It’d be the unusual path, and the unnecessary work.

There is no reason to delay or do much of anything except resurrect D2 as D2R with sweet graphics, a stronk network, and the handful of minor qol changes we’ve seen. Maybe a little minor adjustment to overpowered or horridly underpowered skills.

I think the wisest course from Blizzard would be to just Keep It Simple™, and release D2R as the simple game the world can globally appreciate as a fitting tribute to and restoration of Diablo II, the game which was responsible for so much of Blizzard’s current success.


I agree, but just what you said about skill rebalancing would mean they couldn’t release it this year alone :slight_smile:

I dont really see why not… a minor tweak to some of the outlying worst performers shouldnt take too long. But if it would, then I think they should wait until after release and patch a fix later =)


Well, none of the skills or items need working on, and the rest of the game looks pretty good, I don’t think we need to postpone anything. Less changes overall is going to be much healthier than change for the sake of change.


just to add some context, diablo 2 balancing and itemization took about 3 years of trail and error, they could just use an old patch and tweak skill that never had cooldown back to what they used to be for rebalancing, here is a thread where I already talked about that:

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Just for context, you purchased a Remaster. They aren’t balancing anything, they actually made a direct statement saying they won’t be doing that. The D2R devs themselves have said that any further changes would also “betray” the original experience and they will not be changing anything more pre-launch. As for changes many months post launch? Maybe. Slim chance, but maybe.

“We’re not trying to fix Diablo 2. We’re not trying to make Diablo 2 a different game. We have other games if you want that.”

Rob Gallerani

it will be a good tactic to make sure everyone is happy and then follow up with further releases, yet no one is promising there will be such

which is the exact point I made in the original post, ill be fine without rebalancing the game and leaving it as it is with some quality of life changes and maybe another level like the moo moo farm wink wink

but I prefer they at least do something about skills that used to be useful in past patches as to add to our play pool

and as for them stating they are not going to do so and so, their renewed interest in the newly surfaced topics of quality of life says otherwise, its a possibility, so why not discuss it?

I saw you edited the post after I made mine, just let me tell you i saw everything they said about every topic and i know their product direction

I wouldn’t mind they postpone a little to deliver a polished product.


because i am against changes. in most cases…
and i want to play that masterpiece as soon as possible and not after the Diablo 4 release :slight_smile:

I think they are just struggling with little things and especially with the console ports and Battlenet-Implimentation or something. At least that’s what I hope. I haven’t played anything for weeks because I just don’t feel like playing anything except D2 Resurrected.
Just sitting around, going to work and read forums and try to get every little Information from this game…


i know exactly how you feel just waiting for it to release trying to control myself not to play vanilla, but if I’m telling the truth I was really hyped for d4 but D2R had me more hyped then a new game if I’m being honest haha

I don’t think they are even struggling right now, but they might not consider changing more things if they wont have more time


Completely agree with this. They can do it later on for season #2 if needed.


This is inaccurate. The deep dive is incomplete and not comprehensive. To provide more complete information and reduce misperceptions, Blizzard has repeatedly stated other changes are possible if the players want them. Moreover, the designers themselves would love to make changes. They have made multiple direct statements that additional changes including to balance may be possible.

Blizzard has sent out two surveys on D2R where they sought balance changes in both. This is documented.

In addition to these management approved surveys, we have many Blizzard quotes.


as i feared. they want to screw up the game. like d3. by letting the community make decisions so the game is more accessible to the broad (lazy and stupid) masses. Where is the refund button ? XD


The deep dive is the only information linked in the app, therefor if this is not accurate they should remove/update it. Until they do that, all of these interviews don’t trump the deep dive linked in the app. (This is what people are buying).

That is so true!!! D3 started out as a good game but the mindless Paragon / Leader-board Kings want D2R the same way. Sad Leave things alone and play it the way it is.


I wouldn’t necessarily say it is inaccurate. I would say it is incomplete or not explained fully. If one purchases a video game pre-alpha or pre-beta, the expectation is that changes may still occur prior to release. These interviews and the Blizzard management approved D2R surveys are letting people know what is being considered as a possibility. These possibilities may or may not happen in full or in part.

Beside the deep dive, Blizzard did a Q&A at Blizzcon with multiple streamers. You will notice that many questions about changes were not answered by Blizzard as a firm no but “nothing to announce” yet.

Even the idea of what an authentic D2 experience has been refined to include changes that occur commonly in D2 mods as shown in this post technical alpha interview.


I would agree with you about buying pre-alpha - pre-beta… but the deep-dive literally says you’re buying the old D2 with a graphics update and some QOL. This is what the customer sees when they make the purchase… “The game you love and remember”.

They should update it to reflect said changes if any and until they do the deep-dive is the source of truth.

If introduced changes are selectable as options, then they are still being truthful since a player can select options to make it feel as authentic to D2 as possible. Others can choose options that they prefer.

Think of it as being able to click to pick up gold (authentic D2 experience) or turn on auto-gold pickup (non-authentic).

Clearly, the deep dive is NOT the only source of Blizzard information and “truth”. Some examples:


Then they should update the official app because it says one thing, and all these other links allude to something different? I see a problem with this. Or you’re just grasping at straws.

If I go to Hondas website, and they list features of a car and I buy the car because of the official listing… only to find out later when they deliver it all these side conversations were happening on different websites not from the official Honda Website that removed/added features I didn’t want then I would be pretty upset. Is this understandable to you?