Should I start now?

Hi all guys, I played many arpg like Diablo 3, but never tried D3 itself, apart from the free trial version. Now I would like to buy the game, so: do u think I should buy it, or just wait for D4? Is there a good playerbase for co-op? Is the game still supported with dlc and stuff? Or it is a sinking ship waiting for D4 to come out?


D4 won’t be released before 2022 at the earliest. You should buy D3, it is still a good game overall and the seasons refresh it every 3 to 4 months.


Thank you :wink: Think will do that

D3 still has the best multi-player experience in the genre. There is no other game that does multi-player as good as D3 does.

Buy it. I recommend you get the Eternal Collection. It includes the original game and expansion packs.

You and your friends will have fun together.

Definitely give it a try. You can learn the classes and how blizzard generally runs there games. It will make you aware of the negatives and positives involved with playing there games so you can make a better decision going forward to D4.