Shadow Clones dont follow me to next map

I’m not sure if its just me but Shadow clones spawned in current map wont follow you into the next map on Neph Rifts. Not sure if this is intended or not.


The same here, It should be a bug.

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Here’s me on Floor 2 of a GR, just taken a pylon, about to go down a level…

Here’s me on Floor 3, a couple of seconds later…

If a TL3 sees this, it’d be super if you could quote this / embed the screenshots.


If clones do not persist through portals, they have even less value. fail for sure…

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I have the same issue, and it just stay at the previous map. It is extremely annoying with small maps in GR. Please fix it!!!


Especially since it’s fairly common for Pylons to appear right at the end of a level. So maybe 15% of your clone will last for 1 or 2 seconds between clicking the pylon and starting the next level. Yeah, major fail.

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Well there is a positive benefit to this. I noticed that the clones STILL are active and attack things on the floor you’re not on! I had to go back to a previous floor since one of them spawned the RG lol.

Also, I once did a bounty by simply clicking on a shrine next to a cursed chest, clicking the cursed chest, and then just TP back to town. I started a different bounty and about a minute later I got a bounty complete message and a 300+ kill streak bonus LOL!


How are you not TL3 if I am?

I initially lost it after a forum software update, i.e. I was TL3 before the update, I was TL2 after the update. I raised tickets to find out why. Wasn’t given a reason.

Since then, the issue has become moot, i.e. I’ll never be TL3 again.
Move along, nothing to see.

ok…what is TL ? xD

TL = Trust Level. Which Trust Level you’re at determines what you can / cannot do on the forums. For example, only people at Trust Level 3 can provide clickable hyperlinks to any external site and embed pictures into posts.

More details…

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Shadow clones don’t follow me through doors either.
Going to town makes you lose them too.

The idea is quite nice.
They really do damage.
They heal when you take a health globe even. Very nice.

When you take two pylons, you get two clones, nice :).

The duration is a bit short. I’d like their company longer, please.
Would be nice if pylon / shrine mods work for the clones too.

Especially that 10 minute one…
Can you imagine? A whole army of shadow clones in a gr? Would be awesome!!!

They’re still there and they kill stuff while you’re in town. I’ve had them finish a bounty for me (cursed chest event) while I was in town!

yeah, id like to see shadows persist between floors. even if they made it so you could only have one at a time unlike now you can have as many as the number of pylons on any given floor.

edit: every time you hit a shrine it adds a minute to your shadow and once each minute ends you randomly get one of the other two random builds. (maybe)

wut what. lol!
Ok, good. At least you don’t lose them going to town :slight_smile:

Went on vacation, but nothing to see?

Doubt it’s a bug, more like working as intended. But with enough feedback maybe we could get it to follow us into boss chamber/next map/etc…maybe code in a rule that they can only ascend/descend levels once?

From what I learned from S21:

If they cant fix it its “working as intended”.
If they fix it then they pat themselves in the back saying they fixed the bug.

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Perhaps to stop people finding Shrines in Adventure Mode mode and spending the seconds to TP to them and take the clones into the GR?