Shadow clone damage

How much danmage do they really do compared to your charactor ?

You should move this to the PTR Bug Report Forum.

Also, you should mention which Class you’re playing.

I have a Demon Hunter who did her first Nephalem Rift and the Clone spawned when clicking on Pylons and Shrines.

As suspected, they do not spawn when drinking a Father Potion (random Shrine effect).

Moving Threads

  1. Click the pencil icon next to the title of your thread.
  2. Click the “Category” field to bring up a list of Forums.
  3. Find the proper Forum and select it.
  4. Save your edit.

This will move your thread to the selected Forum, including all replies.

Edit: The PTR Feedback and PTR Bug Report Forums are currently locked.


It seems like the PTR Feedback and Bug Report forums are still locked.
I cannot create a Topic even after entering the PTR.