Settling the Public Loot debate

Neither does a personal loot option that you could ignore. Lol


2 of them months ago told they could only find items with bots and they were also high on the ploot support. The 3rd guy is realitve fresh.

Ahhh now you also trying to whitewash cheaters? Should i be surprised? Somehow i never felt i need to use cheats.

Imagine gatekeeping so hard, that you are threatening to refund your game based on an optional toggle that has no impact on your own gameplay, since you can just choose not to use it. Lol what. :joy:


Yes it most certainly does.

we have no proof of this just like you wont site the proof of the so called “3 botters wanting personal loot”

That’s what I don’t get. Like why do they care so much how other people play? I imagine if they implement different loot allocation options, you could choose it when you create a game and then be able to filter your game list by which option you like. I can’t imagine being bothered by someone else using a different method.

it reduces the victims they can take loot from. that wouldn’t be good for them

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Sure sure. It’s like if I’m playing on PoE and using the FFA loot method and other people in another party are using personal loot, that definitely changes my gameplay… NOT.

They want to keep the illusion that they have the power to dictate what gets implemented by Blizzard into their “pure” game.

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imagine being so entitled to imaginary digital items that you demand a game be changed around your laziness instead of just finding a different game. :laughing: the ploot crowd is hilarious.

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I wonder if they have optional personal loot under the Options menu “Game Creation” tab from the accessibility post that they showed.

Options Menu Accessibility Post versus Beta - Diablo II: Resurrected | Beta - Diablo 3 Forums (

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You are aware that Blizzard specifically asked about personal loot in surveys and said they were open to implementing changes based on feedback. People are allowed to express their opinion about what they want to see in D2R.


Here you can see one of them.
https: // imgur .com/ a / ricnPNk

I’m wondering what they’re going to let us filter by in the lobby, by the games section too. They had it disabled during the beta.

Moreover, they were asked point blank about personal loot versus FFA loot. Their answer was not yet but maybe later dependent on player feedback.

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It is in a different menu, not the lobby per se.

Another useless post trying to change the game because they cant click a mouse button and want stuff handed to them. Theres a game called D3 and it fits you perfectly, go play that.

Why is this always everyone’s response? Come up with something new. Nobody is asking for D3.

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yep and people with common sense are allowed to point out the flawed reasoning. i absolutely love the survey argument. Can’t get enough of it from micro. were weeks away from launch guys, zero chance any of the stuff you want gets implemented. a weekend long Beta right before official launch isn’t looking for any feedback that isn’t stability related.

I think it is because they can not come up with a compelling argument and just want to parrot D3 hatred.