Settling the Public Loot debate

This conversation needs to stop. Sticking with the toxic “first come (or first to use autoloot hacks) gets vast majority of best drops” will never happen for the following inarguable reasons:

  • Diablo II having a fair loot system system is fundamental to the feel of the game, it is one of the aspects of the game that make it better.
  • It’s not excitement that there were always those with autoloot hacks or fastest click reflexes able to get the vast majority of the BEST item drops - that’s not O.K. It’s toxic. It’s only exciting to those who love trolling others and love creating a toxic gaming experience.
  • Only 1 or 2 top items drop at a time. The toxic autoloot / fast clicker player is guaranteed to walk away with the best drop at the expense of those who helped make sure more items drop (more players in group, more items drop)
  • Adding a toggle would only upset the toxic players, not everyone else, because now they can’t troll those who want a fair share of the very best drops, and secondly they’ll have less people with them making sure more items drop for them to steal. To them it’s a bad idea. To everyone else, it makes the game more fun.
  • It’s not qualify of life to let toxic trollers be able to troll others in their group and get the vast majority of the best drops. It’s fundamental that this game is fun for all, not just the trollers.
  • Any game that allows people with hacks or the best reflexes at the moment rewards are made available to get the best ones is flawed by design.
  • This is a remaster, not the original. Remastered versions of games always have small improvements.
  • EDIT: Imagine if all of you kill a monster, but the “experience” drops as a bubble and whoever clicks on it first (or has loot hack) gets all the experience and others get almost none. It’s just as ridiculous to do that with items so that only one person could end up with almost all the best drops and others get none. And no, we should not have to rely on people being “nice”. People SHOULD shard drops, but most won’t, so the game needs to force the sharing by splitting it up like D3 does. Then people can of course choose to exchange if they want.

Diablo 2 original is on the Blizzard store if you want this feature. Go crazy.


Glad that is settled, next on the list - Map of the Stars.

The debate will never be settled its just dragging on and on.

If they don’t fix the loot they are promoting more private games either solo or with a private group probably organised in discord. It’s a missed opportunity and if they never implement a change to looting in D2 it will be a shame.


nope, if they ever implement ploot in Diablo 2, THAT will be a shame. It just doesnt belong there and never will


Your opinion, and its wrong. You can go now i think i heard a rune drop over there go get it quick >>


Diablo 2 is old school, D3 is the everyone gets a trophy type game you want. quit trying to turn D2 into D3!!


oh yea and while we are at it we can get trading disabled just like personal loot in d3…Just stick to good ol Diablo 3 it has all the features you will ever need.Dont ruin our old game please tnx


and if they add ploot, they have to add “BING” sounds and markers on maps aswell so we can notice drops on maps so we dont miss them… welcome to D3 -.-


Make a new thread if you want to make suggestions for trading we are talking about something else in here.

what are you even talking about lol

They need to do something about the loot system. Fairness in MP is one thing that needs to be addressed. The OG D2 economy is based around botting. How is this going to work on Sept. 23+ with none to few bots? People are going to have crappy gear and complain, lol. And if we’re lucky, we’d have none to a few bots and the economy would be dry. We probably won’t be lucky since there is money involved with botting items.


Nothing is changing. Get over it already. Grow up.


So we should make sure people bot items to sustain the economy?

Healer your post history its really funny, your so toxic I find myself wondering what horrible things happened to you to make you vent so continuously on this forum.


Dulac your on the wrong forum head over the d2jsp lol

I wouldn’t advise running a robot this aint the good old days anymore.

someone else on the map drops something that only i can pick up. Do you think you can justify ploot if half of the drops get missed out just because people were not noticing someone else dropped it ?
So either we have massive loot loss or we have a crap D3 system… either way its crap

Your suggesting implementations to a looting system im not. You want me to figure it out? why should i do that lol

Say that’s the case. How will the D2R economy be adequate without changes?

That’s great - nothing is changing for loot. Move on.


It’ll be fine im sure