Set Missing from "Years of War" (Screenshot)

I just finished a GR 55 rift on my Barbarian with the “Wrath of the Wastes” set. However, this set isn’t included in the list of sets on the Conquest screen! Here’s a screenshot:

Is this a bug? Intended? Do you guys see the set in your screen? This is on console…

The post was based on PC version, but I think it applies to console version too.

So, don’t worry about the checkboxes and proceed to next set.

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My concern isn’t that the checkboxes are not updated.

My concern is that there is NO checkbox! Take a look at the screenshot - the set “Wrath of the Wastes” is missing entirely from the list :slight_smile:

Specifically, only 18 sets are listed. There are 5 classes, with 4 sets each. That should make it 20 sets.

Two sets are missing.

Well it looks to me like you just need to complete the conquest with sets that are actually on the list.

Perhaps you could try answering my question?

The question: Is this a bug, or intended?

Because I think out of 5 classes, 2 of them are given only 3 sets to work with. Since there are 18 sets in the list, one other class must be affected also.

Is it intentional, that 2 out of 5 classes are disadvantaged like this? Or is it a bug?

Well considering that there are 7 classes, and 7x4(sets) is 28, and there are 19 sets on your screenshot. I’m guessing you have to press like ZR or ZL to scroll down the rest of the page. Same thing happens on console when you are looking at certain set items. There is so much info you have to scroll down to view it all.

Edit: or is that 18 sets? I’m bad at counting right now lol

Edit again: Just saw this:

No there are 7 classes, and they all have four sets.

  1. Demon Hunter: Unhallowed Essence, Natalya’s, Marauder’s, Shadow
  2. Monk: Sunwuko’s, Inna’s, Raiment, Uliana’s
  3. Crusader: Invoker’s, Akkhan, Roland’s, Seeker of the Light
  4. Necromancer: Pestilence, Trag’oul’s, Rathma’s, Inarious
  5. Wizard: DMO, Firebird’s, Tal Rasha’s, Vyr’s
  6. Witch Doctor: Jade, Helltooth, Arachyr, Zunimassa’s
  7. Barbarian: Immortal King’s, Wrath of the Wastes, Raekor, Might of the Earth


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Sorry that I didn’t catch your meaning. Imgur doesn’t show high resolution image for my mobile device.

As @TrvAix said, there are totally 28 sets, you need to scroll to view all of them.

Sets are not grouped by class or sorted by name (same on PC version). So, WoW set may be shown on the bottom of the list.

Edit: add a screenshot of PC version:

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Thanks for that! I thought they were sorted alphabetically and when I saw the last one was “Z”, I assumed the set was missing.

I don’t know how to scroll on console, or even if it’s possible!

I’m not console player; may be “L1” and “R1” (hints shown on upper-left and upper-right corners in your screenshot)?
Try asking on Console Discussion forum.

I think it’s ZR on the switch, R2 on PS4 and I don’t know what the corresponding button is on Xbox.

Edit: Just checked it out and those are the correct buttons to scroll down.

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