They should have put CA, EA, Chakram and RapidFire on UE and turned M6 into a proper traps set instead of keeping it as a slow man’s UE.
They never should have gone down the path of damage multipliers and kept sets and legendaries to simply utility and interaction modifiers.
But it is what it is.
I just hope the new sets are compatible with more than just one or two skills.
this 1000x this
the other issue that worries me about new sets is there going to have to have damage potential to compete with current builds. which means insane multipliers. or they wont be used at all by the majority of the player base. unless they have some synergy for 4mans that allow them to do zero dps.
that being said
I was never a fan of CA, EA, chakram and rapidfire. but if it had those plus strafe. I would be all in. Strafe is one of my favorite skills in the game and is really only used gimikly in Fan of knives builds beacuse you can agro the world with it.
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I bet that people will complain about the new sets whether they’re too OP or suuck compared to the current ones.
So no matter what devs will give us there will always be people whining about anything just for the sake of whining…
Ain’t this the truth!
But it still does not excuse the poor balance we have had for years. It is so much better now than ever, but there is a lot of work to be done yet imo!