Whether it’s the mobs of eels not ALL being affected by Soul Harvest like they SHOULD, or a final two enemies somehow being missed (and being IMPOSSIBLE to find on the map, because the enemy icons don’t stay visible if you’re too far away), I keep failing the Set dungeon over and over and over and over…when, by all reasonable rights, I should have WON by now.
And putting things like a new stash tab locked behind this kind of B.S. challenge as a REQUIREMENT? Not fair, at ALL.
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Yup sucks not fair. They’re not going to change it in time to do you any good, if ever. Might I suggest trying a different set? Zunimassa’s haunt is easy and there are plenty of guides on YouTube.
I had to problem many seasons ago.
You need to downgrade or unequip some equipment. Killing mobs too fast makes it impossible. Try taking off your mojo and using un-auged set gear. Like, find gear that you may have had at 400 paragon 10 seasons ago
I’ve done Jade dungeon long time ago and it was challenging. Haven’t tried again since.
Set dungeons can vary from super easy to super annoying. I’d recommend doing one of the easier ones when completing the season journey requirements. For WD the Arachyr dungeon is very easy, although you might need to gimp your damage a bit. Being too powerful can lead to failure as well.
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Check icy-veins. Their walkthrough is very easy to follow. I did that dungeon several years ago using their route.
I used this guide from the crazy guy a while back and finished it.
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Love the crazy guy for the crazy Set Dungeons!
You should check the dates before responding. You are helping someone who made the thread a year and a half ago.
As far as the OP, Jade is a lot easier since they updated them a few years ago than it was when it first came out. It is not the easiest for the WD, so if the goal is the stash tab, don’t do this one.
If I had to rate the WD set dungeons from easiest to hardest, I would go:
nerf ur dmg a lot not gems and no emerald etc
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Helltooth is not that easy either.
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Ya, I know. That is why I listed it as the hardest for WD. Even with a Mara’s to take care of the “take no poison damage” part, it takes a lot of reloading to get one where you can get 5 groups of 20 monsters.
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750k sheet damage is the sweetspot for almost all set dungeons. Jades is easy once you stop instant killing everything.
@Op gl mate
PS Crayonsmind over on Diablofans has some of the best most complete walk through for all sets dungeons and masters. I highly recommend.
take off some gear or downgrade, I did this in 2-3 tries earlier this season (literally).
Albeit I’ve already gotten the mastery wings so it was just a matter of remembering what to do… its actually way easier now because of shukrani’s triumph, finding that last creep you missed is what made it grueling before. ESPECIALLY take your legendary gems off and un-socket the soulstones 100%.