Servers xbox Diablo 4

Some of the WORST server connections i have ever seen in any game including The Devision. REQUIRES, server connection to play solo for some reason and yet longer battles become nearly impossible as enemys can attack you during server interuptions.

This almost purposely sets the player up for ENDLESS failure regardless of skill level. The only way out being pure luck that the server dosent freeze up for long enough to finish the fight which nearly never happens.

Case in point The Cost Of Knowledge, where the player must face off three waves of enemies while the boss tosses out increasingly devestating spells in a cramped area. Normally this fight would last minutes at best, but the server glitches make it next to impossible to dodge the spells. Killing the player garenteed during a lag in the third wave.

I honestly cant belive i paid $100 for this kind of experiance. Lol

I can’t believe you’re ranting about Diablo 4 in a Diablo 3 forum. Can you have an adult explain the difference to you?

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Are Blizzard making D4 on Nindendo Switch as well?