Servers down? Error 317002?

Any blue posts on this? Seasonal won’t “find a server” same codes 30000 + 317002. Non season loads… /shrug

Cmon man …whats is going

Save us please from the unending depths of this nightmarish unable to create game hell

Same. Can log into non-seasonal characters but not seasonal. Yay.

Same issue again… come on Blizz!

I am also getting this error as of 3:15PM MDT.

so when you first go into the game when its authenticating everything it’s now showing they’re aware of the issue and they’re trying to find out what’s going on and fix it

Just to check - it’s down for me too, but with error 34200 - Diablo III game servers are not available. Please try again later.

EDIT - I do see that 317002 when I actually try to start a game, the other number comes up in the chat window.

code 317002 is popping up. can’t join new game.

Same problem here. Gonna try non-seasonal characters…yup non-seasonal works for me.

Same problem here. Cant create new game…

is anyone here still having this issue? cuz i can not still create any games…even tho keep restarting d3

Seems to be only on seasonal characters

Yup same here still cant get in

Some people said there was a server update but still havent been able to get on yet

Can’t get in. Same as everyone else. Pretty crappy that they don’t even bother to update us on social media or here. Poor customer service.

Was getting the same error. Back up for me now.

Back up for me too now

Hey again,

There was a separate issue today August 4th that was causing this. All cleared up now.

Thanks for the reports. If a new occurrence of this error starts happening again please feel free to create a new thread.