Self Controlled Achievement Still not Popping?!

Just thought I wrap up some achievements for this game before D4 launch, Self Controlled is my last.

Playing on an XBox One X, I successfully got the in game challenge but the achievement didn’t pop. Spent some time reviewing other strategies, but it is clear this is still bugged.

In one session in the Shadow Realm on Torment difficulty one, using Simulacrum I had 3 shadow clone kills without using any secondary abilities. I just let my Simulacrum scythe the other shadow clones down. I have tried other combinations to no avail.

Anyone have any success with this? Only 0.66% of the Xbox community have this achievement.

I have a feeling I am wasting my time posting this. lol

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I didn’t have any issues with it week ago. While wearing Trag’Oul’s I just held down Siphon Blood and let simulacrums go to town with Blood Nova spam.

Did you ever get this figured out? I got the in game challenge to pop but Xbox achievement. I’m on the Series X.

Okay about 45 seconds after I commented my xbox just blew up with the achievement (rare so it had the bass drop and everything). I guess this one is just slow to pop. Cheers and I hope it popped for you too. Feel free to add me on Xbox if you want to grind any other cheevos together.
Xbox Gamertag: Snappleback