I’m wondering what’s the most efficient thing to do? I’ve chosen a build and need to start getting those pieces of gear, should I be doing bounties or rifts/greater rifts? And how do I know when it’s time to up the difficulty? And is there a good website or resource to see what I should be spending my blood shards on? Thanks!
Start working on the seasonal journey objectives. To see your journey progress click the little icon in the upper right that looks like a small ‘map’ (?). Or just press shift+J. Get your free armor set, portrait frames and, if you make it through Guardian, receive a funky walking book pet. Do some rifts, GR’s, maybe some bounties… Rack up paragon points, see how high a rift level you can go, etc…
Up the difficulty when you reach a point where current difficulty is too easy. Raise it and see how you do?
Gamble for armor and off hand items at first. Don’t go for weapons and rings or amulets until you have all ancient arnor that you like. Armor is cheap - weapons and amulets not so much and you never know what will drop on your next GR run.
Icy-veins dot com or maxroll dot gg are some good places to get some ideas of what to look for and to do. Nothing they say is written in stone so feel free to adapt as you see fit, but they’re good starting points.
Rifts to get GR keys.
GRs to get legendary gems / level them up.
Bounties to get materials for reforging in the Cube.
Aim to be doing your rifts in 2-4 minutes per run, your GRs likewise (at the highest level you can complete them in that time), to maximise the number of legendaries you get for time spent. As ancients are 1 in 10 legendaries, and primals are 1 in 400 legendaries, the more legendaries you get, the more chances for ancients / primals you have.
Chapters 1-4 should be your first priority so you can get your first full gear set. It may not be obvious to you, but after you finish chapters 2, 3 and 4 you will get a gift bag in your mail. There is an icon at the lower left of your screen to retrieve it.
After that, run rifts for keys alternating in GRs for the legendary gems. Use your bloodshards to gamble for gear pieces you might need to supplement your set.