Seasonal Roadblock

I haven’t played too many seasons on D3, so I’m kind of a noob to them, and I have some questions.

I feel like I’m at a bit of a roadblock with my progression. I’m running t13 on Nephalem rifts, and the highest gRift I’ve done is 64. I’m still looking for the Captain Crimson’s set(running whirlrend barb) and I can’t seem to find it. Should I just farm gRifts and nRifts until I get higher paragon level(490right now), or should I do some Bounties to try to get the plan from the cache’s? I’m just not sure what to do right now?

Thanks for any info or advice.

Not sure if you have seen this but it will help you to see what you need to do,

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Yeah I know what to do, just not sure how to go about accomplishing it. I need to finish my build items, and start upgrading gear but I’m kind of stuck. Is it just a matter of grinding and hope I get lucky with rng? If that’s the case, are the people who have already gotten guardian and such just really lucky?

If you feel like you need Crimson’s, you’ll have to farm out bounties. I’d suggest just joining publics for split bounties. I don’t think you need it for pushing GR on WWRend, though. Your best bet is to farm GRs as much as you can, usually. Get into like a cycle of pushing to a place you don’t need specific maps for, and then bumping it down to an easy speedy GR level to farm out gem levels.


Does Crimson’s not drop in individual pieces? Is it only attainable from the Blacksmith?

Are you going solo or grouping up?

There is a native hack to farming when in groups. That is how this game is designed. You need to group up for better finds.

GLHF and forget solo

It is only attainable through the blacksmith, unfortunately. You can get the plans from an Odious Collector, so make sure to kill those as well while you’re farming if that’s your goal.

I don’t agree with grouping for general farming, personally. The MF is better, and if you have a good group then it’s superior, but random groups kinda suck for it in my experience.

Plus I just like playing alone a lot :^)


MF? I’ve been running solo, i’m not adverse to doing groups.

It’s just a shortened way of saying magic find. Finding a group is mathematically superior for finding loot, though it doesn’t affect things like Kadala and crafting, or bounty caches. So opening those, spending blood shards, crafting, etc… those should be done when you’re done with a farming session, to keep yourself efficient if you go the group route. Dedicate some stash tabs to holding things you haven’t identified, only spend shards enough to clear for more if you’re GR farming or something.

Or just enjoy playing solo. 'Tis what I do.

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Do T13 or higher Bounties.

Any act and Capt. Crimson will eventually drop for you.

Check out the barb forum, seems like cains is most helpful to players with very high paragon.

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Thanks for the help everyone, i really apprecioate the info.


I believe you can solo 70 with the BK set, wastes set, ambo’s, and lamentation. Refine your build from there to get higher. I think I did an 80 or 85 without augments or ancients. The build is a lot more powerful than zodiacWW and a bit more exciting.

You can use my build I was able to get gladiator easy with it a few days back.

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I’ve done a 114 on season with no capt crimson. I use Endless walk set with mantle of channeling in the cube. Create a build tailored to your items. If you need more healing or a cheat death use it. If your not pushing use whatever to get the tab or pet.

You are missing the Band of Might ring. You should have enough damage for higher content, but are too squishy. Also

  • wear a lamentation if you can find a good one and cube mantel of channeling
  • put battle rage on left mouse and add furious charge with freeze enemies rune
  • get an ammy with socket and use taeguk gem
  • use whirlwind rune that sucks in enemies (you don’t need wrath gen with BK weapons)
  • cooldown reduction on shoulders and gloves, the goal is 100% uptime of wotb
  • green gems in weapons

If you get wotb to 100% reliably you can cube stone gauntlets and become really tough.

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there are even more options for him to increase dmg and toughness…

-correct stats on items and specially ring+amu+weapon
-2pc ik with rorg + dmg reduction rune for ancients

Thanks for all the insights everyone. I know I can improve my gear. I guess my question is what’s the orientation way to do so? Is it just spamming gRifts until the gear drops?

you could improve your amu with a yellow craft that has cc, chd, socket and mainstat or your elemental dmg…
(enchanting helps there if one stat is missing)

yea you run rifts and grifts to farm mats and items but basic knowledge about stats and skills also helps a lot… you can enchant almost all of your items but you have to know how…

What’s the best place to go to learn?