People seems to forget, that there was a time, when there wasn’t any Season Theme and you only played for the fresh start and leaderboard etc…
While we all loved the Season 19 Theme, we also loved when Uruguay was the best football team in the world, but thats a real long time ago now, and we still watch the world cup, even if the winners is always France, Brazil, Germany or Spain…
IF the theme is adjusted to be a COE theme please don’t make it global but limited to the specific class so that a Necro doesn’t have to wait for the cycles for fire, arcane and holy for example.
Also regardless of what you do please add an icon by party members for where they are in their COE cycle, like we have when they get IP or trigger their cheat death.
It doesn’t feel good to get kicked from a group because you refuse to download THUD or are uncomfortable using Discord with random people to time CC skills.
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I just want the screen effect to be removed. Its making it even harder to see whats going on ingame.
I, unfortunately, agree that the season theme is… a bit lack-luster.
I love the sound of elements, and cool effects. I actually got confused in testing, when the meteors/twisters came in- I was fighting magdha, and thought I had found some weird boss fight thing… And while the effects do look decent, it’s usually hard to tell that they’re friendly, so I end up trying to dodge something that does no damage. I’m sure this points out that I’m a scrub… anyway, it would have been nice to have some sort of counter and/or buff to know that it was a friendly effect.
Also, I would like to throw a shout out to implementing seasonal things into the base/vanilla gameplay. For instance, I absolutely loved the season of greed and finding double goblins everywhere. IT WAS SO COOL! and panic inducing. xD I love it. Also, double bounties, and the season of the archives- These are nice QoL changes, and/or a really cool mechanic that gives us more options/ more things to do. Like, the cube season- it gives openings for builds that are really cool/different, and I really like having build diversity! LoD did a great job of that, as it’s less restricting than LoN b/c rings have such strong lego effects. I know that you guys have a limited team, and have other games that might need work as well, so I don’t expect anything massively extravagant. However, I do echo the other people that are saying that it’s really, really nice to have a build/mechanic defining league.
For example- with this season of the elements- you could have some legendary powers active like you did with the season of grandeur. Maybe choose one for each element, and then put it on a 8 sec cycle, so that it will only be active every other CoE cycle. (I’m thinking here that the elements would only cycle through the character available elements as the CoE.) Or maybe add a slot to the cube that can only house one of the elemental damage legendary powers. With either of these options, you could leave the current season power, and probably just buff the damage to conduit levels like people have suggested.
Maybe for the future, you could have some sort of crafting ability that would let us combine legendary powers on an item? or maybe craft rares into a legendary with a legendary power of our choice? i.e. craft a sever with odyn son’s power, or the cindercoat power. I’m not sure if these are feasible- I just want to throw out some cool ideas.
I always wanted to see the theme as a nuclear shockwave. The player in the group that killed the 100th mob has a circular blast that goes out from them and covers the screen, which gets “x” time stronger on every 100th kill. So like 100Th kill=10x weapon damage, 200=100x , 300=1000x and so one plus it also becomes weaker as it expands or whatever that would be balance.
I Would think it would be effective as it should start in the Center of the mobs you pull unless you have someone running off and it it promotes large kill chains.
Hi Adam,
While browsing forum
, i came across this post:
This translate to due to environmental damage proc area damage, you no longer need trash killer. Stack as much area damage on all players, support demon hunter is taken to buff crusader rgk.
As you can see from the screeshot, they cleared 145 w/o trash killer. Is this mechanic (proc area damage) intended??
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as long as there are new cosmetics im fine with it 
That’s an amazing finding! It’s like s19 theme with a twist. Not sure if the server can take the massive AD cal though 
I think the season buff is good. It feels good and does real damage in higher GRs and when you have good area damage gear. Firewall needs a little work though. It is by far the weakest and I cringe when the screen turns red.
Maybe the diablo ring of fire explosion instead?
I suggest everyone try using SOJ and gear with area damage in higher GRs where you don’t screen wipe in 5 seconds with your player skills. The season theme will surprise you.
You might change your mind.
So in order to make the season bonus good, you have to completely gimp yourself by choosing attributes that you wouldn’t normally, and an item that is a downgrade over essentially every other option, so that “some” damage can occur once every 4 to 6 minutes?
Sounds great 
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Wrong on all accounts.
It occurs every 2 minutes.
It is a lot of damage in high GRs
Area damage is something you would normally take for GR pushing
My top 30 DH uses SOJ, top barb uses SOJ.
Maybe rethink your preconceived notions and try testing stuff before making assumptions while spending some time outside of the echo chamber.
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Here’s an idea for a better version of the seasonal buff.
When in town you can talk to a mystic elemental npc of some kind.
They give you a speech about the elements and tell you what they do, and let you CHOOSE which element you want to use.
Cold could give you an aura that slows the movement speed of all enemies on a range around your character, and a small chance to freeze them.
Poison could apply a stacking poison dot (act like stricken) to enemies near you.
Fire could leave fire on the groun where you walk, burning enemies for % weapon dmg (hellfire ring type effect).
Air/wind etc… could knock enemies back when you get melee hit, with a 5s cd.
Arcane could causs your primary resource to regen at x% higher than normal.
I think there are more.
These things would be fun and engaging to use, and could actually help people use different builds.
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I killed a RG with a snowball…
Super helpful feedback that I had to get out, I know…
If this is true about area damage scaling the effects, that is just plain ewwwwwwww. I remember when firebats was the thing and everyone switched to spirit barrage because the area damage caused so much lag. I want to be able to enjoy playing the game, not stacking area damage to lag the game out. Bazooka was okay with area damage, because it was just one meteor and then gone. If Blizzard wants area damage to be relevant then they need to give us a build that drops a nuke all at once or get new servers for us that can handle the area damage calculations as it channels.
In my opinion the season themes need to break the game. This game has been out for 8 years, there is no reason for seasonal themes to not be crazy and fun for all.
My suggestion for this theme would be to combine the free COE rotation that is permanent all season, and then also have a 100% increase in area damage when the seasonal theme is active.
Yes, this is massive power creep, but it changes how we play and that is what seasonal themes need to be. The current theme does nothing but quite frankly provide an eye sore, could the screen color changing be toned down a bit and instead we are given an icon?
Thank you for being very open and communicative with the community. It means a lot!
I would take double bounty mats over this theme in a second lol thats how bad it is
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Finally someone right for CM position. Nev would ignore us or just reply that she enjoy season theme and you don’t have to play this season, take break or some other nonsense.
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