This Seasonal Theme is a Buff all round, no matter how you cut it, it is. I’m solo leveling right now. It’s been beneficial to me and I’m sure it’s has been to everyone else.
“Do Your Part !”:
It’s up to you to capitalize on the Buff. Use your creative juices to help you maximize the experience. You can do this even if you play Solo. Step outside the box and try a new setup. Have fun with it!
Do your part? …being colorblind isnt curable you know. 8% are affected and they have to deal with this mess. oftentimes I dont know if I’m chasing a oculus or rcr ring…
so you see beside the general outcry it has several other issues coming along with it.
at least those issues shouldve been sorted out beforehand.
really no reason for a “great job”. not at all!
well the complain was there on the ptr, they changed the color and the problem persists in another way.
sorry but that just needs to be pointed out if I see a “great job”, because they didnt.
The first complaints i read about the theme were about a lack of rings, which is not true at all. The second wave was about melee classes not being able to benefit from them as much, which is true, but is also a very good reason to play a ranged class.
Honestly at this point it’s like lot’s of people are so set on the thought of it being bad that they are unable to give it a fair chance, the season is only two and a half days old after all. Or they are unwilling to adjust their playstyle and/or planned builds to take advantage of this theme.
Personally i think the theme is OK, the cooldown and damage rings can be a strong boost if they are used properly. I shall be making a ranged LTK build that also uses epiphany and finding out how far those rings can take me.
The only improvement I have noticed if you are playing with other players, then you get circles spawning all over, which does increase your chances of making them useful. But still, I call fail on the sheer randomness of it. I don’t expect them to land at my feet each time no. But I would expect them to have a more even duration, and have a limit on how far they can show up from you.
So, no HOTA Barbs this season then as they rely on Life Per Fury Spent for their self-healing. Heck, they deliberately don’t spend the 50 paragon points on RCR for precisely this reason.
Some of us played with this for a full week on the PTR. With the exception of the colour changes to the rings, all other feedback about how bad the theme is was ignored.
Word, it was even suggested so that they make icons or pictures or whatever inside of the circles to help those that are colorblind, there would be no questions… (for example fist for dmg buff)
They didn’t really fix anything, changed the color which didn’t help much. So sorry, I don’t know regarding that “good job”.
And this is the difference between a mediocre game/event and a great one. Not expecting a lot considering a look a the history, but I would have thought they would have listened to the PTR feedback about it better. Wait, my mistake. When do they ever really listen? There are examples of THAT going back to the beginning of having the PTR in the first place.
Guys the theme is good enough, what sort of perfect theme were you expecting? They changed the colours for colourblind people and added buff icons while we are in the zones.
Is it because the buffs expire when the zones despawn? Or because they don’t spawn directly on top of players? Both would allow near constant triple buffs and would be…boring. The way it is now encourages people to adapt to take advantage of them.
Make a new build or one you haven’t played in a long time, one that has range and can benefit from faster cooldown recovery and/or reduced resource costs. If you are not willing to make any changes whatsoever then ofc the theme might seem boring or ‘bad’. What did you do for the LoN season, play the same meta or popular build you play every season?
The way it is now, depending on the build they’re playing, players have to adapt to avoid the circles if they don’t want to die due to what is essentially a healing debuff. Sorry, but any season theme that most people are just ignoring and is actually detrimental to others isn’t a good theme.