Season Multi. The Altar and not engaging Potion powers "Q"

Since before Season 28, hitting “Q”(default keybinding) Healing and has cooldown of 1 min. Now with The Power of the Altar, we have “Q” triggering potion powers as stated.
However, there are many playing that do not hit “Q” after they finish the altar. It stacks on the belt you can see it. If there are 4 playing it should be min 4 (Shrine and Altar Effects) and stacking… the only one I seen a Technical Error with is Nats/Gears Hybrid it would not take any powers from anyone else… I contacted blizzard about it, it was season 28 so we will see again if it still works.
One person said to me, “If I hit Q then I die”, I’m like what? That didn’t make sense to me, as it gives you three powers, healing and whatever you put as potion powers in the belt.
When playing with others and all have Altar done you should see Q stacking. With the Altar done it should be engaged and spammed every min.

I wish I could say that I hit it everytime it’s available, but I sometimes hold off in case I need the health.

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