I disagree. That kind mentality merely suggests that a person opts for solo or group play, solely because they want to, not because they have to due to one part being vastly more rewarding. There’s little reason as to why solo is as far behind in comparison to group play in terms of reward and efficiency.
Now, honestly I don’t necessarily care for exp bonuses, but that’s mostly because I also don’t care to raise my paragon as high as possible (especially since there’s only one viable content to do it at, and that the reward of doing so is mostly for said content). However things like bounties on the other hand, can certainly get re-adjustments so that running them solo or in parties lesser than 4 wouldn’t take up so much time.
I don’t see why a busy person shouldn’t be able to play games at their own pace. I mean there’s a pause button for a reason.
If you are going to pause your game 20 times in one gaming session, might as well don’t start it and better finish your whatever task for good.
Why not? Solo fall behind group play is justified. What? Do you think 4 people beating one person should suffer as much casualty or take a longer time to take him down compared to 1 person fighting 1 person? Groups will be always better than solo in many things in real life. My advice: Deal with it.
If you chose to play a solo on your own will, then you shouldn’t care whether how well are those group players did in the first place or how far you fall behind.
Readjusted? So if you are introverted person or anti-social, you deserved to get special treatment? Is this how things work in real life in the present?
Also, I don’t have dedicated team like those top players and I also spent most of the time playing without friend, and guess what? I still managed to rack a lot of bounty mats and keystone by playing PUBLIC GAME alone. I don’t even know any of them nor I am talking to them thru the whole bounty/rift run. It is completely a solo experience for me in some sense since I am fighting alone.
Because you know, even without group XP bonus, the group will still able to get more exp due to Time vs Number of Run compare to the solo player.
Why do you keep coming up with this 20/game scenario? No one is suggesting anything like that. I expect that all people in my group are going to stick out the entire rift. Emergencies happen, and I’m sure everyone will understand that. But nonetheless they will NOT be happy if they’re near the end of a difficult GR and one of the players goes buh-bye. So I’m not going to join a competitive group if I’ve got a hunch that I might not be able to see it through to the end.
Okay, but why should it matter to you if someone pauses or goes afk on a game any number of times (especially if they’re playing by their lonesome)?
Where did anyone say that groups should take as long, if not longer, to complete something than a solo person? So long as there’s no content locked behind multiplayer, then people are free to ask for any kind of improvement regarding the gap between solo and multiplayer.
My thanks for the advice, it’s been noted; my own advice to you would be to deal with people asking for changes that wouldn’t bring any detriments or impediments to you.
It’s a good thing that I don’t pay attention to other people’s progress and/or capabilities in comparison to my own then. Never have in Diablo 3, I did in Diablo 2 though, but that was because I pvped in that game, and in order to improve yourself, you needed to compare yourself to others. Diablo 3 on the other hand, I don’t play to compete as such have no need to compare myself to others. That said, while I don’t compare my progress to other players, I do make comparisons to myself.
Example: “I ran bounties solo for 4 hours and got 25 bounty caches. Nice! … Although if I think about it, last week I had gotten about 4 times as many caches when I had ran it with a public group in about the same amount of time… Heh imagine that”.
Asking to lessen a gap doesn’t equate asking for special treatment, especially if you’re asking to only lessen a gap, not reverse it…
Okay so? Now how would it prove detrimental or impede you if you could do the suddenly run solo and earned nearly the same amount as when you ran pub group. Short answer: It wouldn’t negatively impact you at all.
And? I already said that I don’t care for the exp bonuses. If they lessen the gap towards that, then alright, but it’s not anything I’m going to suddenly care for.
Yep. Going afk even once in a push GRift would ruin the run.
Going afk 1 time in 15 minute is hardly a lot.
And he keeps coming up with those 20 afks because that is the kind of thing he always do. Strawmanning everywhere.
Maybe we should do that, and then go afk toward the end every single time. To get people to realize that pushing everyone into multiplayer is a stupid idea.
All of those considerations come to play as variations on the theme I proposed.
It seems odd that the follower can be immune to anything, but when you die they just disappear. I’d like to run into them in a bar some time talking about the best client they ever had, at least.
There are a number of interpretations of this:
Follower exists somewhere where you can rehire them, (obviously the details that make them “them” are their equipment).
Follower exists somewhere in a state of reverie. If you reach them and listen to their story of the glory of their former compatriot, they show you their compatriot’s favorite item.
An immortal follower keeps the hero from being forgotten. This legend enables a quest to avenge them. At the end of that quest you find their follower mourning their body and share with you the hero’s favorite item to thank you for avenging them. Perhaps the quest could be to complete the highest GR level that the hero was able to complete (highest solo or group, or the one they died in)?
When you die (solo only, at least L70, and perhaps with a minimum GR level and that hero has to be archived) with a follower that has an immunity token, you enter a “dying words” state where the follower thanks you for your service and you give them your “favorite item” as thanks for their dedicated service. That would set up any of the preceding ideas.
Of course this is what a normal gamer should do, minimize the interruption when it comes to gaming. This can be applied the same for a single-player game.
What is so fun to play a game if you constantly get interrupted and forced to AFK? Talk about wasting electricity bill.
I am simply illustrating that there is no way solo player can do as fast as group play. Grouping is supposed to be easy and save time.
All the suggestions I can see far is solo players want to be spoonfed further despite that the solution is there, join public game.
Then why do you bring up the gap between solo and group again if you don’t care about it?
You are asking the game to alter the rule just to lessen the gap. Sound like special treatment to me because you dislike playing with people.
Neither that joining public game bounty will negatively impact you too but you refused to do so. Don’t give me the AFK excuse because if it happened too often in your side, it is totally your fault there.
I am just saying you knew that removing group XP doesn’t help solo to reduce the gap.
So? It’s not your bill, nor does it have any impact on you. I don’t know why people do a lot of things, but so long as it doesn’t hurt anyone, then I’m not going to judge on it. For example, I have a friend who likes sleeping with loud rock music playing. I don’t know why he does, all I know is that I wouldn’t but I’m not going to reprimand him on it as long as he doesn’t disturb his neighbors.
Actually if we’re speaking in terms of bounties, then yeah solo players are capable of clearing individual bounty quests as fast as group players; on the flip side though, solo players have to clear more bounty quests than most individual players in groups. In all honesty if split bounties weren’t a thing, then the total time to clear bounties for both solo and groups would be closer to one another (much closer in fact thanks to power creep). And before you go off on a rail, in no way am I asking for Blizzard to nerf and/or render split bounty useless.
Well I haven’t seen anyone ask to be spoon fed bounty materials. Also considering that the “solution” doesn’t actually solve the issue, then they’re free to continue asking for one that does.
Maybe because I care for my own progress, or maybe because I realize it wouldn’t be a bad thing if implemented; unlike some folks who seem to believe otherwise. Even when Diablo 3 first launched and solo was more rewarding than group play, I voiced my opinion that group play shouldn’t feel so punishing for group players. Just as I did then, I do the same now, although it’s for solo play this time instead of group play.
By that logic, anyone who’s ever asked for class balance has asked for special treatment. Also where did the game establish that group play is to forever be more rewarding and efficient than solo play? Lastly I like playing with people, if I disliked it, I wouldn’t be asking for pvp to return now would I?
Actually it does if the public group consisted of bots and/or afkers most of which would slow progress down. However, if bounties were rescaled with the number of players, then you wouldn’t run into such impediment running solo.
Said it already, but I don’t care for exp bonuses.
And? It doesn’t change the fact you are wasting your time and electricity. Talk about inefficiency. Sure, it is your life but it doesn’t stop people from questioning or criticizing it.
That is the beauty part of having a group. Working together to accomplish the goal is such a wonderful thing.
So you do care about how others progressed in the end and subtly affecting you.
They didn’t fix split bounty like what they fixed rift forward in the past. This should tip you that it is ok for group to be more rewarding and efficient than solo play.
Again, why shouldn’t group play is more rewarding and efficient than solo play? Why should solo players think that they need to do less work to be one step behind the group effort?
Also, I don’t know why do you disliked it playing in public games considering that you don’t have to talk to any of them. At least I never talk to anyone in the public game bounty.
Still faster than playing solo despite those obstacles. Also, stop asking for special treatment.
Funny that you don’t care about EXP but you do care how people getting ancient/primal faster than solo due to the split bounty.
How it is in any way wasting time and electricity. It is called multi-tasking.
Turning off your PC, or closing down the game, every time you need to do something else for a short moment, that would be time wasting.
They shouldn’t. Same effort, same reward.
It is possible to care more about items than paragon lvls.
The developers never did care about solo players. As long as the four “man” meta reigns supreme do not expect anything for the solo players, who also spent money on the game. D3 is just a speed race for the .
Again, it’s not your bill, so if the person in question doesn’t care, then why do you? Sure you can go about judging and criticizing them, but if it doesn’t affect you, then aren’t you wasting your own time and energy?
And no one’s attempting to take that away.
Uh… no. Not sure why you keep thinking that.
Or that blizzard simply thought it wasn’t necessary, just as they once thought it was necessary for greater rift keys to be gained via trials only, and such was the case until they changed it due to feedback from players. So until blizzard goes out their way of saying that solo play shouldn’t and/or won’t be equal or more rewarding than group play; people have every right to continue asking for adjustments.
Solo requires doing 25 bounties in order to get all five bounty caches; players in groups on the other hand need to do approximately 5-8 bounties (assuming the whole group is participating) in order to get all five caches. So how does that in any way equal to solo doing less work. Even if blizzard suddenly makes it so that solo players only need to do 10 bounties (2 each act), they would still need to do more bounty quests than players playing in groups.
Please keep the assumptions to a minimum. As I said before, I play in public games for bounties. But if for a day I don’t feel like joining a public game due to whatever reason, and opt for going solo instead, I shouldn’t need to take about 4 times longer to finish bounties. There is nothing wrong if running bounties solo took an equal amount of time as going at it group (esp if solo is still doing more work than group). You keep making it sound like such a thing is such a blasphemy, when it’s not.
So, it still slows you down. If bounties were rescaled towards number of players, then solo would be faster than running groups with afkers or ineffective bots, but it would still be slower than running in an optimized group. Also it’s not asking for special treatment, if anything it’s asking for normalized treatment instead of penalized treatment.
…I rarely use the reforge recipe, as I don’t really care for ancients or primals, in fact I still have a significant number of bounty materials that I leave just sitting there.
Why can’t I? If this your way of thinking, why even bother to post or argue with me in the forum in the first place since everything doesn’t matter or affect anyone?
Tell that to the poster who wants monster HP increment to be 600%~800% in group play.
Because you enough care on why solo lagged behind so much in hunting items where the solution for the solo player to compete is already in the game?
Or maybe because even Blizzard thinks the idea of solo players should equal/slightly behind to 4-men effort in terms of reward is ridiculous, thus doesn’t need to change it.
Even if they went out and made an announcement that group > solo is intended in the forum, it won’t stop solo people to keep spamming. After all, we got people here who still posting off-topic such as D2 topics in D3 forum despite that the rule said only D3 discussion is allowed in the D3 forum.
It takes 4 people to divide to their task to 8 bounties against tougher monsters but a single guy just comes in and he only needs to complete 10 tasks to reap the same benefits of the 4 people. The solo player is certainly “does a lot of work” here.
If you don’t want to join the public game for whatever reasons, that is your choice but expects to reap the same benefits by playing alone just a sign of greediness in my eyes.
It doesn’t. 2 decent players clearing is still faster than solo player unless you are intentionally put 2 bad players in the game for the sake of your argument, then yes. Also, you can kick AFKers/stuck bots to increase the effectiveness of the run.
Instead of asking the normalized treatment, how about just follow the game rule, complete 25 bounties for the reward. Just as you said before, players are meant originally to complete 25 bounties to get a reward in the past until the players over time found out that they can fasten the process by splitting out.
I don’t care how you used your crafting mats, but the point is you are bothered by how people can finish the bounty fast in group than a solo player.
Sigh. I know you dont care about facts. But enemies having 6-800% more HP in 4man than solo would still not affect groups. Because you can accomplish it by reducing monster HP in solo (as well as 2 and 3man… which, as you likely know, Blizzard has done before!).
Reducing monster HP by merely 33% in solo play, would mean monsters in groups would now be at 600%. Group progression would be unaffected.
Trying to pin my solo/group imbalance solutions on Oblivion is also complete nonsense.
You are kinda the one saying that solo players are not affected by group balance…
Of course not. If Blizzard says something stupid, we should obviously tell them.
Blizzard also told us that the cheating in Season 21 is “intended”… People have every right to call out how ridiculous that is.
If you used your brain while reading that particular idea, you’d realize that it’s proposed in such a way where that modifier makes the health in group play roughly the same as it is now.
So you can’t just deal with someone doing something that has no effect on you whatsoever, and even if they did stop, you still wouldn’t be affected any differently. But you’re telling people to deal with something that if changed can be beneficial to them with said change also having no detriments whatsoever to you. I must admit, I find that amusing.
Tell him what? That you have some kind of issue with the idea, for reasons that may or mayn’t been conveyed?
Yes, yes, yes, the “solution” to solo players competing is to apparently not solo. But as I already said, I don’t care for competition in Diablo 3.
Well until Blizzard themselves say that, those are just your own words. But I thank you for your opinion.
If Blizzard made such statement, then you can bet there’d be less people talking about it. Imagine if Blizzard didn’t say anything about whether Diablo 4 would have an offline mode; you’d have even more people asking for an offline version compared to now. Also sorry to tell you this, but blizzard themselves asked for feedback from fans with Diablo 4; and that’s not just Diablo 3 fans, but also Diablo 1 and 2. So you should expect discussions that reference all three Diablo games. If you dislike it, tell blizzard to make a Diablo 4 forums.
You make it sound like people in public bounty games don’t just one shot enemies and actually get on chat with each other and discuss which bounties that each of them will take, which gobs to call out for, which routes would be the fastest to take, etc… I can tell you that nothing remotely even close to that happens, at least not in any public games I’ve joined. Everyone just jumps into whatever bounty that isn’t occupied. So tell me, how does group bounties take more effort than solo?
Not sure how, especially if the group did even less work than a solo player.
If bounties were rescaled, then yeah, you’d be slower completing bounties in a group with an afker or two than you would if you ran them solo. Kicking wouldn’t help much if the group already claimed an act cache reward as that means that you won’t get another player to join in, meaning you would need to do more bounties.
So players in groups don’t need to follow the game rule, but a solo player does? That makes no sense.
Apparently you did since you kept making assumptions about me being in need of them. Also, I’m not bothered by groups having an efficiency advantage in terms of bounties, at least not enough to make a post about it. I’m more bothered when people try to argue against players wanting better gameplay, when the request wouldn’t impact them.
Since you’ve yet to answer my question, I’ll ask again:
How would it impact you negatively if blizzard suddenly re-scaled the number of bounties needed to be done to the number of players in a game; or if they simply buffed solo bounty farming?
Stop assuming I can “read” every post in the forum especially when the forum has functions like “ignore” or “block” feature.
I guess you prefer to hating me instead of
I still remember your so-called aloe vera comment despite that the person you back it up can’t even accept my challenge in the past.
I can say whatever I think of the subject. I think it is more amusing that you think I can’t do that while you can do that.
You said no one is trying to take group benefits away when I am simply showing you that people like that exist.
If you don’t care about competition, then what is wrong with using the existing solution? The public game existed for those solo players who don’t have dedicated team or friends.
Of course it is my own word. That is why you need to quote the whole post instead of being selective here to make a point.
Here is my original post: Did you see the BOLD wording there?
LInk of Blizzard saying it is ok to post D2 topics in the D3 forum? Asking for feedback in D4 thread doesn’t mean you can create D2 threads in the D3 forum.
Also, your post of offline mode just solidified that people will not listen. They said there won’t be an offline mode for D4 with a video timestamp, yet it doesn’t stop people arguing until the thread reached like 3k posts (I think?) at that time.
It doesn’t matter whether the players are discussing or talk in public games. The point is needed 4 people to attain that kind of result. Also, I never said that group bounties take more effort than solo because it shouldn’t in the first place.
That is the point of grouping.
Also, I didn’t one-shot enemies in 4 man bounty despite that I can clear GR100 at this moment, and I certainly have a faster time to kill monsters in solo than in a group.
All bounties are not created equal. The solo player can pick the quickest and easiest bounty to complete (and easier since monsters HP is at base), and still able to reap the maximum benefits of 4 men who have to complete all 25 bounties no matter what.
If there are at least 2 people, even if I kicking 2 afkers/bots, and no one will be joining later, 2 remaining people still can clear the bounty faster than solo in the current bounty mode. This is a fact.
They are following the existing rule by completing 25 bounties for the rewards in the end. Completely make sense to me.
Enough to argue with me though.
If you keep saying it won’t affect others, but what if end up killing the public game bounty, and everyone ends up the solo bounty in the future? Are you going to take responsibility for that or you will be “Haha, Working as intended”?
Does this really need to impact negatively someone only then he can voice out his opinion and thought on the matter?