I’m playing in season 19 with the crusader and the set seeker of the light where the skill falling sword is spammed and I noticed that the seasonal kill bonus with every use of falling sword is reset, even if the blessed hammer remains on the ground hitting the Enemies the count is reset, making everything very frustrating since you can’t reach a high count by making the most of the seasonal bonus.
Bumping this so we can get an awnser, Seeker of Light was the only set i could drop until now and would help being able to use it, but the Pandemonium buff going away everytime we use it is really frustrating. had to let go of Falling Sword entirely just because of it.
I noticed this as well.
I have been noticing this as well, nearly every time I use Falling Sword the season buff vanishes.
Hey all,
Just wanted to chime in here and say that we have fixed this for our upcoming patch of 2.6.8 for Season 20. I know this doesn’t help you this Season, but we wanted it to be known that it was fixed internally and tested.
There won’t be any pandemonium stacks in Season 20… is that the fix ?
That…That does come off as awkward now that I look back at it. Thanks for the call out on that one BouBou.
If and when this Seasonal Theme makes it way back into the rotation, it’ll be fixed!
Sorry in advance and thanks again
takes notes So it is possible Seasonal themes will rotate? Hmmmm
Hopefully it is the ones that received high participation which indicates players like them.
Season 21 seasonal buff confirmed!
Hello MissCheetah & Matthew:
if and when doesn’t sound too encouraging… let us hope the themes rotate faster than the seasonal rewards. Season 17 gave out Season 5’s rewards, Season 18 gave out Season 6’s rewards, Season 19 gave out Season 7’s rewards… at that rate, Season 31 will give out Season 19 rewards. At 3 months per season on average… it will be Nov 2022 when it’s back.
I’ve been holding off on my reply to Matthew… practicing what MissCheetah preached here… but… I can’t help to wonder whether anyone in Blizzard has considered fixing the issue now rather than waiting for that theme to come back ?
Please do hold off on any snark. I get in trouble if you (or Mask or Perusoe) start throwing all the forum rules into the wind.
I agree with you though.
Sets and their bonuses play a HUGE role in the game. They are Seasonal Rewards and highly emphasized in most builds.
Seasons and their buffs are also highly promoted and emphasized.
This is not a case of something needing a balance adjustment. This is a case of two core features of D3 not working correctly at all.
Fixing it would have no impact on Era non season boards that I know of, and would not throw off the Current Season boards.
Unless the fix ends up changing a something about how the skill works and doing it in season changes balance or gameplay enough they don’t want to do it.
That would make sense, but if so just say so.
I have to admit, I’ve cancelled more than a few posts over the last few days.
@Perusoe: You and I need more with
Alternatively… back to D3… I still have to get that new goblin on Asia
That’s the future when D4 comes out - no one expects they’ll continue to produce new D3 themes then.
At the end of the day, I would like Blizzard to explain why fixing
… an issue where the Pandemonium buff would fall off of players once their Cheat Death passive activated
was done in a patch now, whereas fixing an issue where the Pandemonium buff falls off when Crusaders use Falling Sword will need to wait until the season ends (and the Pandemonium buff is no longer available).
If the problem has been fixed, I don’t know why not fixing it in S19.
I understand that effort is required to deploy a patch. But consider that it is just the beginning of S19 and two more months to go, you should have plenty time to do it.
Perhaps wait for other bug fixes (if any) to make a mid-season patch.
Please reconsider.
Why not transform it into an item or set armor/weaps? like you did with season of nightmare