Season 34: Light’s Calling - Preview

Had you at any point prior to checking just now gone and click the link in the OP? If so, you had a cookie set that allowed the OP’s link to work normally. First timers would get the redirect to the news/blog page just as I did.

Yes. Earlier today, shortly after the thread was posted. And again just now. It worked both times.

Here is a link to diablofans when this theme was in season 27 ==> The theme is explained in detail.

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The effects of crucibles are not up to date :wink:


It was fun and insanely strong. Gonna be even better with the Altar.

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Thanks Strix. I’m not a fan of the revised D3 home page/website. Its so much easier to memory hole so much content.

In a sudden fit of PTNS (post traumatic nerf syndrome), my first response was “Shh… delete that comment… this is how we get stuff nerfed”. My second response was to write this comment about your comment. Take into account that Blizz can’t handle a screw up with seasons, do we want them knowing that something in the game might be “fun” and the players are eager to gain access to said fun. Personally, I would remove the comment just because I would not want to give devs a reason to go nosing around and pre-emptively nerfing the fun.


Given that developers didn’t even bother to update the Legendary powers that appear on Ethereal items, a season back, I don’t think they would even contemplate nerfing something.
It’d be cool if they were to change the Sanctified Steed-FoH power and replace it with something else, since the Vigilante Belt is almost the same effect to an extend. I’d be okay with a power that supports Shield Bash or has to do with Akarat’s Champion for example. Alas, given how they broke the game every time they have tried to change something without PTR or a very short PTR run, I think they won’t do that any more.


With the extra cube slot, we could have Vigilante, Khasset’s and still wear either Guardian or Cap Crimson.
The sanctified power lets us drop Vigilante.

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But this is actually fun, D4 is not.


The safest thing is to not breath life into those ideas. I did not participate in S-27 so in S-34 I’ll get a chance to. Hopefully nothing goes wrong with S-34 roll out and season start. I’m going to stop here. You can agree or disagree, but its best that I disengage this topic. Wiz club rules have been violated, and I’m a contributing factor.

I’m going to dominate this season like Elon Musk dominated all of D4’s best players.

best season theme

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Have fun. I’m sure you will end up in the D3 Hall of Fame.

Hmmm, looks like I might be back for this season.

I enjoyed this theme when I played Wiz with it.

Will probably run Barb this time… haven’t played Barb in a while. It’s either that or WD.

I just need to get my tax return and setting up of my study done before season starts now! :rofl:

you should start this today… and the unbalance continue.


Yes, and I wish they would switch the Haedrig Gifts so that Shadow Set is gift on this theme, it’s the only time I actually enjoy playing Shadow DH.

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What is the logic behind having d3 and d4 seasons overlap and have both launch the same week? As someone who plays both this is realy stupid. Makes even less sense when reading about the short end of season notice. Its like blizz is trying to make them overlap as much as possible?


My guess is that they want to make as many players abandon D3 as they can. I mean… no Altar or Fissures in NS, the stuff up with S33 end, and S34 overlapping with D4 as much as possible

As for me, I have my list of Barb items that I have not gotten as ancient with the right rolls on my NS Barb setups so S34 will be focused on doing that. I also have 9 more WD legendary powers missing from my NS SC cube that I need to hunt down somehow (without starting a second character too).

TBH, with the crucibles theme, I’m actually hoping that Blizz leaves this one run for 6 months.


This was the season i didn’t go for DH.
Not gonna make that mistake again!

I know people say this about every seasonal theme, but this is the one I really wish were mainlined into the game. So much amazing quality-of-life for every single class. This combined with the QoL from the altar, for me, is peak Diablo. Like, across every Diablo game and Diablo clone ever. Already daydreaming about all the builds I hope to goof around with, God willing.

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Wohooooooooo, finally the crucible back again