Season 33 Characters slowing/ freezing and unusable

Started season 33 and noticed that the character slows / freezes during gameplay to the point they are rendered useless (especially during combat). Does not seem brought on my any particular use of attack or skill and occurs at random rendering the character unplayable for about a minute before they snap out of it again only to be afflicted a short time later regardless. Endless cycle of having to stop and wait to be killed because I cannot fire weapons at full speed or use skills.

Occurring across multiple classes as both the DH and Monk I have tried do this so far.

Playing on console - PS5

You’re in the wrong Forum. I would tell you to move this thread to the Console Bug Report Forum.

However, if you have the Stone Gauntlets equipped or cubed, then this is not a bug. You just don’t know how to use those Gauntlets.

If you aren’t using those Gauntlets and still think you have a bug, please move this thread.

Moving Threads

  1. Click the pencil icon next to the title of your thread.
  2. Click the “Category” field to bring up a list of Forums.
  3. Find the proper Forum and select it.
  4. Save your edit.

This will move your thread to the selected Forum, including all replies.


Was using stone gauntlets. Thank you: can’t believe I overlooked that.


A Demon Hunter build that uses Stone Gauntlets needs to have Vengeance active 100% of the time. The Monk needs Epiphany active 100% of the time.

There are other ways to counteract the Stone Gauntlets’ negative effects as well.

(You may know this already).

In season mode all you need is the cc immunity node from the altar of rites.


Correct. That’s why I said:

To try and cover “all my bases”  by including anything that might work. Like:

Items = Ice Climber Boots
Altar = Omen Seal

Et cetera…

And since @EliseEternal stated that they:

It sounded like they hadn’t gotten far enough, at the time of the OP, to have unlocked the Omen Seal. The Stone Gauntlets are a Level 30 item.

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