Season 31: Season of the Forbidden Archives – Has Concluded

Mine does. Crusader seemed OP clearing GR 148 with Valor, Barb 142 with waste, Monk 140 with Justice, Wiz 144 with LOD, WD 150 but doesn’t show which set he used and DH sucks at 131 with LOD?

These are just top clears at US server.

OK, fine, but any word on S30 end date? Is it March 31st or April 7th?

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They should do it like D4, start S31 and finish S30 on the same day.

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No altar for non season? No patch notes for 2.7.8? No ptr? Disappointed…


The patch notes say…

Starting on April 12 at 5 p.m. PDT/CET/KST

I’d like to point out that in Europe, we’ll be starting Daylight Savings Time on Sunday, 31st March which means that on April 12th, when the season is due to start, it will be CEST (Central European Summer Time) which is UTC+2 and not CET (Central European Time) which is UTC+1.

If you actually start it at 17:00 CET, that’s 18:00 CEST, i.e. it wouldn’t be at 17:00 (local) for the time zone the EU servers are hosted in.


Soulshard work for challenge rift and an update so late when season 30 is ending? Or is it hinting at soulshards becoming a permanent feature?

That would be great if true. They should also add the Angelic powers to non-season too.

But I doubt it.

The update on the Stain of Sin can only be for this season. I don’t see soulshards coming to S31.

Love that s31 starts after D4 PTR, and one month before D4 s4… just perfect.

What it’s not clear to me is: when does s.30 end? I’d say on sunday 7/4 but i can’t find anywhere this info. Did i miss something or this time devs are acting randomly?

Yeah, you are right, there are a handful that won’t benefit much if at all from it but there are a few that may. I still prefer the 4th cube slot.

Still waiting on the supposed seasons where they’ll mix themes.

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Will be interesting to see to what degree balance is out of whack with no Shards and random cube slots intstead.

Hope not. I do not want to spend the morning doing stash tetris only to roll into a 8 hour start of season grind.

Shutting it down on Sunday, then new Season on Friday as they have done the past several seasons is fine with me.


Is there any hope to bring the altar to non-season?

S31 seems lackluster.

This may be the first season that I skip in a long time. Most likely, I will see how far I can push in non-seasons as I levelled all my legendary gems to max but have not really played with them in non-season.


Conquests look pretty easy and I don’t have the Angelic Goblin pet yet.
I too, would like to have a solid end date for S30 so I can use up my shards before they go away.
I can see complaints coming if they don’t tell us.
My guess is Season end on Sunday the 7th.

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Well, looks like I am sitting out S31… very lacklustre indeed for someone who’s been playing seasons since S5.

And the patch update for the Stain of Sin shard… won’t make any difference until probably 2yrs from now.

I’ll play some stash tetris at the end of seasons, upgrade my DH builds, and then sit things out until they either decide to put the altar and fissures in NS or the Ethereals or Crucibles seasons repeat.


I already have the season rewards and stash tabs no real reason to do it again.


PTR Patch 2.7.8 Where ??

They do not need a PTR D3 is in recycle mode. Nothing new under the sun. :sun_with_face:


I’m guessing Rebirth implied that patch 2.7.7 is a fail and the devs need to bring on 2.7.8 with something substantial.

I can’t say I disagree that it’s a lacklustre patch… so many here have accepted no new content but just wanted to see the Altar and Fissures added to NS.

But I’m quite over waiting for the devs to add to NS the QoL improvements that Seasons got. It’s quite a bad image for how Diablo 4 will turn out in the long run.

I’m just going to enjoy these last few days of S30… and probably set up my seasonal DH as a NS one. When Ethereals and Crucibles return, I will likely play with Wizard and Barb respectively.


Right same, I was hoping for the continuation of the juicer ones like Ethereals, Angelic Crucibles but sadly this makes more sense if for a rotation and we’ll likely see those down the line.

What would have made this awesome is them also adding the 4th cube slot and Shadow clones, right now compared to Shards this is meh. It kept coming up from the Community though for rotation, so here it is - had to eventually get to it.

Also I think the reason why they’re bothering with Shard patch fixes is for next year when it rotates again.