Season 30 The Lords of Hell – Has Concluded

Yeah, S18 did not introduce a Guardian specific cosmetic. I was hoping they’d do this with S30 to be consistent with all other seasons. Alas, it doesn’t look like they have (at least from the PTR and patch notes at least). Hopefully there will be one in game but I’m not holding my breath.

One of the many binned wings would have been nice.

I wish they did. I mean, it’s a nice addition but is definitely lackluster. TBH, it needs to scale with the whisper rank… like two souls every rank at the very least.

Agree… I have an unused fully ancient set of Uliana on my second Monk (on 100% mule duty) but I’m not sure I’ll play it… my main account has Ulianas set up already.

It’s a pity Raimant didn’t get DR added to it like we’ve been asking for years.

Rolands I can see myself working on… hopefully the Denial change is retroactive as I dropped an OK primal one in S29.

Same… though, I didn’t see any need for it to be nerfed in the first place. Nats is already higher tier.

But at least I can go DH in S30 and feel a bit more comfortable with pushing. I really hate Nats and S6.


They tried with that legendary that makes Golem shed corpses… it’s just very underwhelming and needs the mechanic improved to produced a butt tonne more corpses (maybe dependent on the number of enemies surrounding it?)

Awesone, next weekend will be all D3!

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I ment like in D4 where you have a chance to generate additional corpses just by hitting a monster with a skill instead of killing it, and then killing it also makes a corpse. That’s a very usefull mechanic there.

That’s a pretty good way of generating more corpses (still yet to buy D4 here).

Raiment have the capability of tapping targets with debuffs from Spirit generators or Daze to interrupt their attacks. Have free slots to include defensive items and can replace Spirit Generators with more defensive options when needed. Raiment build has a monotonous flow of casts in the combat with enough space to buckle some defensive abilities but have a consistent power for damage boosting itself.

You may have lose some damage output by picking defensive skills or items, but you already have good choices on damage buffs embed for the build. You may not afford to equip Convention of Elements and Squirt’s, both together like you always wanted but you have 100% damage bonus for each Spirit generator you use with Combination Strike consistently. To say the least, no other Set of Monks has the luxury of a dedicated passive for damage increase like Raiment Gen Monk.

By the risk-reward ratio, it is restricted but can keep its flow via passive abilities when you play cautious as it is pretty mobile for a glass cannon. And I think, this is why build don’t have any defensive embed buff like others; to keep its risk and effort up top. It asks you to pick some and optimize it for survival lest you can not deal damage. Game may offer you something for free but simply asks you to decide for oncoming tradeoffs.

Perhaps some defensive buffs may arrive to those Sets in time by the onward patches, but I personally don’t see it happening. Once you decide to get rid of the risk by embedding bonuses; according the rules of balance, there’d be no point for build to have excess amount of power either. Some builds (other examples being Raekor’s or MotE) are just urged to have risks that way when they have quite a few free wildcard equipment slots, and have dedicated passives that Set build most benefit.

Usually Legendary items are not retroactive for patch changes to apply but I wouldn’t know. So far I only saw Set items to oblige to patch tweaks and legendary items, stood same. That’s usually how they convince playerbase to salvage their old loot away instead of hoarding every neat thing they have found.

Hi Blizzard.

Please confirm the Altar will be in nonseason.


Generally if the variable on a leg affix changes, it’s not retroactive.

But in this case, it’s not the variable that’s changing. There’s certainly been instances where the devs have retroactively made such changes.

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Both Wizard item changes this patch, namely Smoldering Core and Twisted Sword, are retroactive nerfs.

And these changes have been both buffs and nerfs. Just a reminder to all numbnuts who always say only nerfs are retroactive and buffs require reacquiring the item.


I thought so… I can certainly remember the nerfs. But couldn’t recall an example of a retroactive buff but was pretty sure I’ve seen one.

Inna bracer got nerfed and rebuffed. Both time they changed old gear.

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Afaik certain buffs / nerf require to re-aquire the item.

Things like “Skill X Damage increased by 200-400%” on a legendary is different than e.g. “this Buff stacks 5 Times”.

The difference is that certain things are “hardcoded” (not the perfect description, but it will do for now) into the item and it will always roll that number…
… while certain other other things that spawn between random numbers - like anything between 200% and 400% can not simply be “scaled up or down” with a patch and the existing technology.

The only think that can be done for these numbers that can roll randomly on a scale, is that the whole thing would get set to a fixed number, like all existing items get set to 150% for a nerf, or all existing items get scaled up to e.g. 500%.

So the primary issue seems to be that a buff to affixes on a scale would set all existing items to the same value.

In D4, this is a bit different (at least on many affixes), because instead of always rolling a random number between e.g. 1000 and 1200, it only rolls 1000, 1050, 1100, 1150 or 1200 - which is ofc a simplified illustration. That is why in D4 such things are easier to scale up and down.

The point I’ve been hammering to people’s heads for a long time. The RNG value is indeed “hardcoded” to the individual items. Other values are external and can be modified.

For example Bindings of the Lost Gods. It had originally 5x separate multiplier to Fire Ally. This was first removed retroactively, a nerf. It was later added back as 3x retroactively, a buff. So these things can go both ways retroactively.

In the case of Denial the stack counter and timer are not “hardcoded” to the individual items so the change should be retroactive.

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Yes, that is also one way to put it and you are right with that.

Another way to put it is that the numbers that are displayed in blue on the orange special affixes (which indicates that they can randomly roll on a scale and hence be different from legendary to legendary) can not be retroactively changed (unless they get changed to a fixed number), …

… while if the number is also displayed in orange it can be retroactively adjusted.

That is also why sets can be retroactively changed.

if one chops a corpse in half doesn’t it become two corpses?

It still is a single corpse.

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i liked the new paragon system.
It should be stayed and capped at 3200.
It made many builds better and playable.

Nope didn’t miss a Blizzard post but perhaps you missed the fact that S29 will go down as one of the most unpopular seasons in recent years and no ones heart broken that they didn’t get a 2 week notice from it ending :slight_smile:


I would not say that I am heartbroken, but I liked season 29. It was good to see how I could compete against players who played more than me that did not have the benefit of a ton more paragon points.