Season 28 Rites of Sanctuary - Has Ended

What these numbers mean ?

    12, 14, 18, 22
    31, 35, 37, 40
Cacciatore di demoni:
    52, 56, 60, 63
    71, 74, 78, 83
    85, 86, 90, 92
    93, 97, 101, 106
    112, 121, 126, 130

I can’t find any context…

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Can i some how make the imige my desktop background? :smiley:

Page numbers on the Tome of Set Dungeon Pages would be my guess.

oh thanks mate, probably yeah

You need 4 class set pages. For 1 class, 4 seperate sets. Your starters will not be good because those don’t have a set dungeon.

Forget AoV, let’s play Blessed Shield.


Overall it looks pretty good. I should start with an DH now, cause GoD will be pretty decent to farm, now. Wished for some more dps for Frenzy and Hydras, the latter really could’ve needed at least a 50% attackspeed buff.

I just hope, that all bugs and not intended interactions for Natalyas are fixed. And it sounds now like Wudijo suggested. A bit sad, that RoV is gone.

This WD buff is very welcome and was demanded by the community. A lot of players made this exact suggestion.

They stopped buffing Blessed Shield when they ran out of slots to put more items.:slight_smile:

Aye, bigger numbers work too! This buff is incredibly important as Blessed Shield represents a 2h flail, 1h flail, crusader shield, and bracer, playable on LoN/LoD and Akkhan sets.

The only other build more important from an item utilization standpoint is Blessed Hammer!


Thanks i guess now more news on D4 woop woop.

So for the Tome of Set dungeons, you’ll need to have 4 sets from the same class, and then go collect the page, once for each set?

Are they guaranteed drops? Any torment/level requirements, other than wearing the set?

Also, sadly, I didn’t see any comment on the Staff of Herding, so I’m guessing nothing got adjusted there.

Yes. Wear the set, talk to the Tome of Set Dungeons in Leoric’s library. Oooo.

Only problem is getting each set. Not hard, but annoying.

A major disappointment here is that this didn’t address any of the issues for the console version of the game.


I dont like nor play the class, but it felt really weird crusader got nothing again.
Last minute buff perhaps possible?


Wasn’t expecting that really were we.


They just hate Crusaders.
End of story.
Last season all classes got 3 Kinda useful Powers.
Crusader got 2 ABSOLUTE Trash ones and the only Usable was FoH which made a speedfarming build even Easier to speedfarm.
The pushing was atrocious though…
Unless you like to pause the game with Escape every 2 seconds so you won’t get DC from the many Damage Numbers.
I think this is a nice buff to Crusader : Get PTSD and Epilepsy Class!But buffs ? NO!
They might as well Delete the class…
But i guess they did buff Crusaders…Not deleting the class is always Great News , i guess!!!


Bring back A6I2 Bombardment Crusader!


Guaranteed drops for tome , just wear your sets and enter the Royal Quarters inside Leoric Manors ,
Confirmed , you can do it in any torment level

I wonder what the bugfix of Seal V is about ? Cant remember any bugs with the globes.