Season 27 start

Not really, 2hrs here, 2hrs there…
Assumptions make an A**of U and Me (Assume) - If a person does every GR at the highest level once the right gear is obtained, it is a quick advancement.

I think i want to start off with barb or dh, will prob have both eventually tho, also looking to try necro and monk. Not so interested in sader, wiz, or wd.

No assumptions. Simple factual statements.

You have much less a life than I do. I play 5-6 hours per week for about 3 weeks. I get roughly 1200 paragon. I play one region. I play to complete the Season Journey and, maybe, to do some other thing personally of which I have no current goals.

So, to my perspective, you’re a no-lifer. At least we know you’re not a vampire. How does that assumption mirror feel on your reflection?

Good pre season video.

I’m going DH strafe UE then farm strafe/impale DH.
Go Barb WW and get DH going within first week.

Really those are the two choices for me.

I don’t understand so many discussions, d3 has become play dh or monk, the rest is far below, and that’s how it will stay, when there were builds at the level of those classes, for necromancer, wd, crusader, mage… … they always nerf them, wait for final notes and you will see how it is always the same.

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But isn’t that more of a choice in how someone spends their spare time? Less or more? It’s not a competition, just a perspective. You have assumed I have less a life than you do though. Your own statement said that.

No, there is no assumption. You spend more time on D3 than I do and therefore, ipso facto, you have more of a D3 “life” and less of one outside it. But, please, continue to argue meaningless drivel and prove further how much of a life you’ve lost to this.

Diatribes with a plethora of passive-aggressive superfluous bullying are transparent and predictable. Meaningless drivel you say? You point a finger there are three pointing back.
A silly comment without looking at how many posts we both have made . It already makes you not only incorrect but also a fool. Big difference between 3148 posts (yours)and and 1507(mine), more than double. It is very clear to see who lost more of a life. Do some basic high school math and harass someone else. I merely made a contributing comment. You simply chose to attack. Anyone with comprehension skills can see that.

So you either use illegal ways or are contradicting yourself. That is because most of the casuals leave before 1-2k range in one region. No need to make a thread about yourself tho, its 2022 ffs.

Simple look at my profile for ten years and paragons in each region. If you have a good set and play every rift at 100 or higher you are 800 in no time. Ask anyone and if you are not then you’re a noob. Nobody with my paragons cheats. Who has around 3k paragons in each region over 10 years that is cheating? They’d be a crappy cheater. I do not hide anything like a lot of people and I am more likely to put in someone who is cheating than ignore them.

EDIT: - If I played in only one region like many people for ten years, I’d likely be between 5-6K.

I play in all 3 regions and know I would be much higher paragon in NA.

I get tired of the grind in D3 after it’s become gr’s for paragon and rifts for keys for more gr’s.


We’re both in the same age bracket from prior conversations.
I truly do other things. It is impossible to explain tio anyone exactly how every minute and hour of your day is spent and it would be boring if you could I think… I devote more when I have more, less when I have less and yes to not grinding like many younguns’ on here.

When I regain my willingness to lose my characters happily again, I will message you and maybe join you in HC. You can can give me some ‘what not to do pointers’ I may not have learned yet after all of this time… :rofl: - I keep dying so there’s probably a LOT.

EDIT: If a person has played this long enough , for enough seasons/years, and they get between 1-2K every season and their off-season is more - Then anyone knows the paragons that transfer over are likely to to be well and truly under 200, sometimes as little as 50-60.


My seasonal paragon is 1668.
My non-seasonal paragon is 4955.

When these are combined at the end of the season, it’ll result in 5012, i.e. 57 non-seasonal levels.

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Yes that does not surprise me. There’s a decent calculator out there. It suggests that with 2950 non-season and 1220 in one area I should anticipate it to be around 3010,. So 60 non–seasonal levels, also well under 200.

This is the one I used…

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I’m not sure if I’ll play season or not yet. The things I’m most looking forward to are the Guardian’s set and using melee weapons and Strafe and I’m pretty sure those go to non-season as well.

The theme is cool and all but my personal best in non-season is sure to go up, so at the very least, I might get a late start to the season just because of all the experimenting I want to do with the previously mentioned items and skill changes.

But if I do do season, I’m torn between GoD and Shadow and may play both. That guaranteed primal from the season theme (i mean using those white things to forge an item with max ancient stats) is pretty neat so it might just tempt to jump into season if only for a bit.

At any rate, it will be DH for me as it always is with a level 1 Witch Doctor just for level reduce bow to level wiith.

Never pursued the conquest leaderboards. So, through Wiz (just love) to Monk

I always start HC so I can get the Haedrig’s gift on there, as less people play HC so it is more important. My favorite classes have always been DH and Barb, although I also like Monk and WD. But I am going with Barbarian. The Haedrig’s gift is always a factor for me, and this season it will be WW, so that is perfect starter class this season, IMO.

Barbarian spear upgrade is pretty much a lock for a good dps bump now.

Is there a reason you hate Raiment?

Raiment’s 2pc bonus is a damage upgrade, which is what I always prefer.