A Dps meter would be nice. Liked this one ins Outriders.
Actually no, s25 mk ran ingeom and cap max spirit so you can instantly reach shenlong buffs at each MA cast (200 spirit generated). You do not need to stand still for spirit. It’s upside vs bell mk is perma dashing due to perma ingeom, it’s down side is poor trash clearance efficiency/AD applications, you are primarily elite hunting only @ 150s, ignoring dense trash. Due to this, slower clearing time.
Bell monk is significantly slower at mobility except when there is channeling. Its upside is significant bigger setups. You can setup on 40%+ progression, multi elite with dense trash. Initial hit will be laggy, but after first pop it smoothes when everything melted, especially if you have optimised 138% AD. Ability to collect trash progression gives it faster clearing time.
Sorry for monk reply in a barb forum, but feeling needed clarification.
That was a great season. Ended up getting
2 Barb duo 150
148 LoD Hota
143 Immortal Kings
142 Reakor
139 Wastes (could have used that extra 50% for sure)
It was a great season. I was planning on pushing Rend a lot harder but decided to just keep farming presents to go for perfect gear. When it didn’t end on time I kept going. At the time of this post the present are still dropping. Maybe they will be permanent .
We can only hope so. I personally welcome any addition as an alternative to bounties!!!
Edit - THIS addition! I could actually see them introducing something worse than bounties and saying, “after further review we understand people dislike bounties, so we introduced this wonderful addition to give an alternative to bounties!”
Its a nice bonus for most players. I was excited for a minute until I started rerolling gear.
I was missing a perfect squirts, slanderer, and little rogue for the complete push set. Over the course on a month I rerolled 20k worth of mats. The results were 6 primal squirts(all bad), 1 perfect little rogue, 9 primal slanderer(all bad). This is why I continue to preach people stay away from running bounties. It is generally a waste of time. I still have 3k mats and counting.
holy chit, they are still dropping? lol time to login
So, will you just “primal reforge” for one of those 3 starting tomorrow, or does your quest for “gear perfection” not include that element?
I will craft a triple slanderer as there are better chances of getting a squirts from kadala and upgrading yellows. Sword drop chances are garbage no matter how you try. There are so many in the loot table.
Hmm, is that right? There are 18 amulets in the table, vs 16 swords…
correct!! But you need to look at the bigger picture. Rolling shards at kadala on 1 handers doesnt roll just 1 hand swords. It is all 1 handers. So for kadala odds its 18 amulets to 43 one handers. Even with amulets costing more your odds are still better. Then you also look at crafting them. Its better to upgrade amulets because you can get free(these cost gems which I have to many) rare amulets from then jewelcrafter vs actually needing to use your own mats at the blacksmith.
Good points!
Quick point…If you are still farming Holiday gifts, run a super speed build, GR-2, ya 2.
About 1 drop/3 GR. and 60 sec. runs makes for lots of mats and gems too. Gem ups, not so much…fyi…
@ Apache Hey something is definitely up with the primal drop rate you were seeing in game earlier. I can confirm I am seeing at least 4x the normal rate. Yall might want to just get on to get your fill.
Been going all day my dude. Although I am doing 110s. Already seen 15 primals today.
yeah the RNG was juiced for a few hours there for sure, lol. I got primals every other grift almost for like 20 minutes.
I was seeing a significant increase in primals a couple days ago… doesn’t seem like happenstance if all 3 of us noticed it…
One of my RNG theories is that population surges, spikes, impact the drop rate. I also believe getting new leaderboard clears gives people magic find bonuses. When seasons end its a perfect storm for scenarios like this.