Season 25 READ!

Another Trash Season thx

150 grs are gonna be on leaderboards in the first two weeks. thanks blizzard for making another easy season. do us a favor and just quit.

Make grs harder! or!!!
Increase GR Levels, say 200? 250? hell you gnna make a season 3-5months long, would you have thought of increasing the gr cap? like seriously?

umm worthless season, you wont see me playing, just like season 24, you made it way to easy for the communities!

and my biggest complain for the love of undead gods, please do more for our necros!! you made this toon completely worthless, again as always its either support or solo build.

bring the fun back!

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Just a little heads up, majority of all GR150 clears on the PTR are due a broken shard mechanic which will be (hopefully) fixed before the patch goes live. It has been reported many times already.

And GRs can’t be increased due to technical limitations.


What they need to do it’s change completly the end game of this game. Is pure bot farming, and the endgame is repetitive and boring.

If at least there was a mechanic that increase your power not just by farming paragon would be a bit better even if the end game is repetitive.

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Right but still nearly every class will hit a GR150 in the first few weeks and 4 mans in the first weekend.

S25 has just added yet again more power. It’s nothing new.

Try a 150 whit Trag’ Oul. I wonder how Well you’ll fare.

OP’s name checks out.


If you dont like it, dont play it. Nobody forces you to play.


Y’all are smoking that funny stuff if you think anyone will see the same results as PTR has within the first 2-4 weeks of season start.

The drop rates of embers are going to be atrocious from what I’ve seen so far on PTR. With a bad drop rate for embers, we don’t get all those augments right away, we don’t get rank 3 shards right away (nevermind a properly rolled one).

We will have to wait to see the outcome first once it’s live.

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The top groups will hit 150 in the first 3 days. They are that efficient.

Being efficient and RNG are two very different things.

You shouldn’t let the actions of a few determine your experience with the game. Just play to have fun!


Show us how easy it is and play a non-meta build with no paragon/gem levels farmed through non-meta runs. You won’t be smoking GR 150s with this.

The problem with the game isn’t the GR 150 cap. The problem with this game is the atrocious balancing. 2 or 3 builds will be doing GR150 in season in the first 2 weeks. A few more will be doing it later in the season after they have their 7,000 to 10,000 “hard earned” paragon. The vast majority of builds in the game won’t be able to touch this even with 10,000 paragon and level 150 gems/augments. This is why the game is still broken. This is why the season ends for many a couple of weeks in.

I’ll never reach 150. If I do, I will bravata and not return.


:joy::joy::joy: this has me in tears

All I can say is S25 is going to be hugely RNG dependent. The shards you get will basically dictate what builds you can go.

There’s gonna be a lot of disappointed people who try to find the shards that match their builds…

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They drop more than Rammys gifts…I end up with 100+ Rammys at the end of a season…embers will not be an issue.

I disagree with the OP mostly but the monk will clear 150 100% in 2 weeks. If you don’t recall, last season they did 150 fairly quickly with Ethereal and Shen set is maybe 1-2 grifts behind that. Now we have 2 gems that are significantly stronger then Ethereals. So there’s zero doubt in my mind someone will get to 150 in the first 7-14 days.

There are a few people in this game who went to great lengths mathematically explaining what happens to damage on not just your player but more importantly, on the enemies faced. There is a cut-off point where it tops out and becomes unfeasible to go higher mathematically.

Use the search button and find other threads. A few explained it some detail.
As for seasonal, you can always play non-season where this issue won’t exist. The point of seasons is that they’re different. There have been seasons where the damage was not good too. That’s why there is a differentiation between season and non-season. One is fixed, the other is variable.

Im talking about the shard, not the ember. If you want a specific shard eg. fire % dmg with pet stacking passive for whatever build you are building…you are likely not gonna find it until late into the season

Everything will depend on ember drop rate. That’s my concern when it comes to getting good shards because that was clearly the bottleneck on the PTR.

There are a few things to help mitigate the RNG.

  1. Target farm the bosses for the shard type you need. The base effects are powerful and seem like they’ll be plentiful. Having the right shard before rolling essentially eliminates one layer of RNG.

  2. Don’t unlock past level 2 if you don’t like the random roll, i.e if it’s not fire.

  3. Use a Stone of Jordan if you get a good shard with the wrong element. Since the SOJ sets all elements to the highest one and the shard rolls a high value it may be easier to roll other gear to match the shard rather than the other way around.

  1. Worse case scenario you can use your failed attempt as an augment to help farm faster for more shards/embers.

IMO, there is way, way less RNG here than ethereals. It’s a much better system for tailoring to a specific build.

Shards drop galore! With limited RNG on the differences I think you will easily find the one for your build.