Season 25 is going to be a disaster

A couple of months ago you said you were 89 years old.
Under a year ago you said you were a high school student, i.e. 18 years old.

As humans don’t age 71 years in under 12 months at least one of these statements is a lie.

Indeed it is.
He’s like a living, breathing, real-time Baron Munchausen story generator.

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and wouldn’t that make his grand mother the oldest person in history and be in the guiness world record

Cuz he ain’t got anything better to do either. They should really segregate the forum regions. This way all the EU trolls stay in the EU forum.

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Haha! It’s all so clear now!

Yeah, I’m sure you wouldn’t be the only one in the grumpy section.


Mola has been a little extra these last few weeks hasn’t he?


Mercury in Retrograde. Happens to the best of us. Doesn’t mean I’m not right.

It’s always the EU trolls stirring up the worst drama/spam here. R2F, OP, Hailfail, that Valentinaran with the 20 accounts going back and forth with himself…I rest my case.

And it’s always the same people engaging with them, also from EU. They turned their forum into a sewer and now they’ve migrated over here. There’s something seriously wrong with their water over there.

Funny thing about them is when you really get under their skin, they start following you around, replying to your every post trying to get your attention. But what some of them don’t know is that I blocked their threads + posts with Ublock and it’s like they don’t exist.

Seeing multiple notifications from them cracks me up. Shhh don’t tell anyone.

Just because you put your fingers in your ears and shout “la la la” so you can’t hear what other people are saying doesn’t mean what they’re saying isn’t valid or true.

You don’t need Blizzard to segregate the forums, you’re already building your very own safe space echo chamber, it seems, by blocking people that disagree with you.

Enjoy another notification.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Told ya so…

20 characters required

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Well, you’re able to physically have children long before 18. (Youngest confirmed mother was less than 6, which is all kinds of creepy)

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Just for the record, I’m not sure when my Great Grandmother started having kids, but my Grandmother was 16 when she had my Dad and she was the second oldest of my Great Grandmothers kids and she was still having children when my Grandmother had my Dad so that my Great Uncle Jerry is three days younger than Dad was.

Point is, you go back far enough in your family tree funky things start happening in the ages between generations.

Also, my Great Grandmother lived to 102 or 103, can’t remember which.

Well my family dies off like May Flies! So there!

Even if we went with 14, 89+14+14 making grandma 117, that still doesn’t explain how her grandson was 18 and in high school under a year ago, and is now 89. So, the “grandson” is still lying.

For sure, I’m just saying 18 is not a magic limit, and the oldest verified person was over 122.

not bad
not good
5/10 troll

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literally 100% true.

literally so many possibilities you dont account for. really shows your lack of intelligence, and the assumptions you make, well we all know the ol’ saying.

Are you talking to the mirror again? :clown_face:


Under a year ago, you said you were in high school, i.e. 18 years old.
A couple of months ago, you said you were 89 years old.

I account for this by at least one of these claims being a lie.
How do you account for it?


you lie to fit your narrative. you’re worse than CNN/FOX

Quit projecting Karen.

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