Season 25 is going to be a disaster

So then, now it’s time to evaluate your relationship to the game. Did you get your $60 worth out of it?

If, like, most, you got that out of the game years ago, then maybe… be quiet and go away?

Although I would be supportive of an annual $30 top-up that isn’t required, but would give you the right to complain on the forum for 12 months.

really? I play s6 impale and no ethereal for my build KILLED the season for me. s24 theme was CRAP.

I don’t think much of the s25 theme either, but will wait and see to judge it.

But many of us have been asking for it for like 5+ seasons…Blizzard has had PLENTY of time to deliver and FAILED.

if some agree with him, then he is speaking for them. Too many people in this so-called community (it’s really just a collection of not so nice people who attack anyone who has a differing opinion to the majority, aka bullies) are just not nice people imho.

Really? The s24 theme ruined it for me (no ethereal for my build). Would you care to rethink your comment? Or do you have the typical on these forums attitude of “it didn’t affect me personally, so I don’t give a hoot about anyone who WAS affected” mentality.

These forums are exceptionally poorly moderated, worst forums I have seen/used in 25 years of using the Internet. It seems that those in power actively protect those who attack others, but are big fans of D3/Blizzard. If you dare criticise D3/Blizzard, you get bullied into the ground.

These are NOT what I consider pleasant forums.

So all of the complainants are lying, right? Are you that desperate to support Blizzard that you just accept that logic?

and that is the REAL problem with D3. Get rid of paragon, and make the game about loot again. Blizzard has more than made enough profits to justify more content for the game, irrespective of whether or not it’s 9 years old. I mean fortnite is F2P and has more new content than D3 by FAR. It seems most Blizzard “fans” are easily controlled by poor products.

that’s not just Blizzard/Activision though, non parity pay between genders is endemic in every industry, in every country.


Well seeing as we all know you hate the game and have already quit multiple times and supposedly getting rid of your multiple other accounts who cares what you think.

Says the most ignorant of us all
and besides if I like a game I like a game I don’t need your god damn permission to like it just because you don’t
I don’t like D2 but I don’t run around saying because I don’t like D2 noone is allowed to like it

The trick is where ever Bravata says we what he really is saying is I

Sheldon Cooper in disguise can’t see sarcasm when it’s right in his face and yes I suffer from it sometimes too

Only in your dreams but then you wake up in a cold sweat

Another Bravata account fresh on the forums?

and a quick look at the meaning of guys it has
2. guys Informal Persons of either sex.

You were saying

So sad that he doesn’t know there are only 4 aces in a deck of cards

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Do you think you’re the only person who plays Impale build and felt disappointed in S24? I play Impale too and also was disappointed to find out there’s no Ethereal for Impale build. But did it ruined the game for me? No.
If S24 is the problem, then it must have ruined the game for everyone affected. Otherwise, the problem is you or how you deal with it.
You know you can skip seasons right? I myself skipped some, and never a season ruined the “whole” game for me.

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Should we start using “Bravata” as an adjective?

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You know there’s other builds and other classes, right? I’ve played S6 probably more than any other build, but GoD is faster, better and more fun, and for S25 it looks like Marauder will be the bomb. Live a little, try something different. Ethereals were a blast, and you missed out for no good reason.

Why are you concerned about S25 since you quit playing?


Thats the thing… You don’t even have to skip season if Your favourite build is not getting anything new. You can still play whatever You like and finish season journey with it. Yeah… maybe You’re not going to get full season experience but You can get all the rewards anyway.

Also… if You like being competitive, now there are leaderboards for each individual set.

Oh, so cos Blizzard cocked up the s24 theme, I should just skip seasons, instead of being rightfully ticked off that they can’t balance this game to save their lives?

Right, so cos Blizzard cocked up the theme for s24, it’s my fault, and I should just play some other build that I dislike…right…OK…that makes total sense. NOT.

You know, I’m a consumer. I paid for this game. I have every right to criticise Blizzard when they have done a sub-standard job (which is quite frequent to be honest). It seems some people/players are easily amused.

This is true. Am I am currently rank #2 (HC, PS4, DH, s6 impale). The s24 theme has lost me a good number of places on the overall rankings (previous seasons rank 16, 19, 21, 8, 4 - the lower ranked seasons are after GOD was introduced). The current #1 s6 impale is a CHEAT (as is the first 13 places on the overall DH HC LBs) - all using modded gear. #3 is a group meta player with probably North of p3500 (vs my piddly p1200) and rank 150 gems. Oh wait, another badly balanced aspect of this game. Blizzard doesn’t do itself any favours when its game is so badly balanced. It just really shows how little they actually care about the game. Probably too busy getting drunk and make lewd remarks to female employees.

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I thought you also quit because forum was full of “bully’s”? We arent bullies but you mostly mindless rant about the game and blizzard as if your opinion should be carried out. We disagree with you. Not a lot of people wil want paragon removed, a revamp could be a suggestion.

No, you can’t always get what you want
You can’t always get what you want
You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometime you’ll find
You get what you need

A lot of builds got left out. A lot of builds will get left out of season 25. There’s no possible way they could have boosted every build equally with such limited mechanics. How you deal with it is up to you. Improvise, adapt, overcome, or miss out. Personally I’m going to play the most overpowered thing I can find next season and rack up paragon and gems because any sort of challenge is off the board.


I have to agree. :+1:

Many of the things I am seeing in season #25 are remind me of conduit power and nonsense currently in retail WOW lol. And we know how Horribly wrong that went lol.

The worst part is the mindless chore of doing bounties over and over and over. Same holds true with the same regurgitated maps we run over and over…and over. The randomization isnt really there. How many more times will we keep running the Plague Tunnel Map with all its dead ends LOL!!! I know there are other maps that really don’t get enough playtime compared to the others.

12k Paragon Bots have run amok with no end in sight.

At the least put something USEABLE in the season that is really rare for people to farm that they can keep after the season!!! Perhaps a pet that not only can pick up gold…but mats and gems!!! That would be cool!! Or a scroll that would allow our current pets to also pick up mats and gems :slight_smile:



Relax. We’re helping you here. We are suggesting things you can do to deal with the disappointment instead of crying. But if you like the latter more, so be it.

So you didn’t have fun, clearly my fun argument does not apply.


You know its getting helter skelter when the trolls become the prophets.

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Is this him talking about S25?


The game has been in maintenance mode since they cancelled the second expansion. It’s time to enter the “Acceptance” stage of grief

Just to be clear here… his complaint is that everyone gets a boost for the season and it ruins the robotic farm rinse and repeat theme? I found the elementals charming and although I couldn’t really use them in my build it was fun to search and play with them, as Exalted said.

Ah, the insult. Nice. Confucious say “when person insult you, they have no argument”.

I’m a competitive person, of course I didn’t have fun being handicapped by the builds in the game not being balanced, and then Blizzard giving EVERY DH build OTHER than s6 impale an ethereal for a free 5GR performance boost.

MY point was if you did have fun in the season you had fun, you weren’t “tricked” to have fun as Bravata claimed.