Season 24 - Idea - Inventories

Oh you just want to buff Blackthorne and Krelm (each set item gives you X% damage increase).
Yes, I too, think all early game sets deserve to be buffed to be really useful.

Only if you want everything in life to be simple Venaliter.

God, wouldn’t that be nice? But it’s been stated as a core philosophy of Diablo 3.

Only if you are a simple person Venaliter.

If simplicity is the goal of D3, then they should just eliminate every legendary set that isn’t the best available.

That is simple.

I can see arguing with you will be pointless, Dr. Dunning-Kruger. Let’s move on.

I always wanted 1 stash tab per lvl70 character.
-Crucial but gated tabs are maybe the biggest mistake ever. :statue_of_liberty:

Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I am against power creep especially this “working as intended” GR150 exploit. I would be happy if Blizzard add a few QoL (quality of life) features plus fix a few ongoing issues. For example, make followers account wide for each game mode. Add video option to adjust eye candy you see in game (lower by 25%, 50%, or 75%.

Pretty sure there is at least 5 “That’s what she said” jokes in there.

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You need
a video postprocessor which will inject shaders, making your games as sharp and dark you want

Launch it one time, select proper Diablo 3 binary (32 or 64 bits), apply. Once in game, press F2 to open effects panels. Select effects, ajust, save, enjoy results.

I use it for nearly every video game I play (Diablo 3, Starcraft 2…).
It’s impossible to play Diablo 3 without it.

Proposal is about having 5x inventory.
Inventory is where you equip armor, weapons, etc.

We could eliminate sets by merging some of them together, in order to make them more valuable.

Sometimes, creation comes from destruction

Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg agrees with this statement

Not at all. I just see this as pointless, not to mention I’d bet my entire account the Devs in charge would never code up something like this for a season.

Thanks for proving my point.

But you do not offer a counter proposal.
I’d like to see what you have in mind.

I have had several ideas in the past.

Just for some ideas.

If you make a suggestion for a theme, people are free to say if they don’t like it without coming up with alternatives. For example, I don’t have to be able to design a car to say that a Fiat isn’t a Ferrari.

Among all of them, Season of Followers is the only one which is a little bit original, but it would require empowerement because followers are currently extremely weak. Even if they were 4 players x 3 followers = 12 followers, they would not make such a difference.

But let’s say you are a Necromancer and you can hire a Trag’oul Follower and/or a Pestilence Follower, It would become interesting.

More over, imagine you can hire the 3 followers, but in the cube you can, with a follower relic and one piece of a 6-pieces Set, transform the paladin follower into a NPC equiped with the given Set. Same for other followers. Now you can have Trag’oul, Pestilence, and Inarius as Followers. That would be very fun.

You want a proposal for a theme? Well, here’s one:

Season of Mayhem
All zones spawn with different stat modifiers, both positive and negative. Every zone has its own random modifiers.

These modifiers can be stuff like cooldowns and effect durations are both reduced by 25%, enemies deal and take 25% more elemental damage, etc. Since every zone has its own modifiers, players can’t prepare for them but rather have to adjust to them on the go.

There, it’s simple yet gives some constant variation to the gameplay. More importantly it’s simple to implement.

It’s like Starcraft 2 random ailments coop mode.
Also looks like a fusion of previous seasonal Themes (Triune and Tempests)

I’d say it lacks sexyness.
Not sure I would play Season just for this random stuff.
It can surely be part of a Season or an option.
But only this is not enough to make a Season and get players on their keyboards.

That’s why In Starcraft 2 they added new commanders and different playstyles for commanders. New combinations and Predictable gameplay are the best.

Point was, I was making suggestions that can more easily be added in, vs that wall of text you suggested.

I don’t mind for the most part, but honestly when people come up with these ridiculous far-flung ideas that require a hell of a lot more than they realize to implement, not to mention all the problems they will inevitably introduce into the game, like bugs, balance issues, etc…

I see the OP as more of a wish list of things they personally want to see, rather than something most of us would rally behind.

A for effort, but C- for thoughtfulness on the whole.

Venaliter and I also proposed a Seasonal Theme to buff Blackthorne / Krelm

It is cute that you know about the Dunning-Kruger effect Venaliter.

It’d be more effective if you actually understood it.

because reasons…