Season 23 | The Disciples of Sanctuary | Has Ended

Ok so here I am back since season 12… when I saw what’s coming up, I got hyped again!! Follower buff, count me in! I wasn’t much of a seasonal player, I solo and casually.

To see that Firebird blasting away off the charts, made me like this game once again.

And then, like everyone here (mostly) nerfed… same with Necro…

I know you guys wants us to buy your D2 (which sadly I did already) and then expecting D4, but what would it does to leave the awesomeness and fun to decimate all!! What’s with the balance of a game that lots will give up once D4 will be there?

Yup, disappointed is a small word for this. Listen to the community, else what’s the point of PTRs?

Hopefully Magic Legend Beta that begins tomorrow will give me the fun that I’m looking for when coming home from a hard work’s day…


Ok Blizzard, you guys are just very very bad at your job.


That’s a pretty close announce to what I predicted and yet faster than I expected. Anyway, so the good part is Follower revamp, after damn 8-9 years finally developers decided something and added followers as and extra power layer. Perhaps to close the way of other potential revamps because I find this revamp abit generous for something that didn’t change anything.

The meh part is Ninth Cirri getting a very slight buff, 4 pierces from 3 pierce is only flat 33% overall damage increase on paper which is only 2 GR tiers increase. Yet when considering the most popular skill runes Shatter and Devouring, it can offer some different play styles. I can see Bola Hunger duo primary being a thing later on.
Guaranteed 4 pierces mean it will hit at least 5 targets and with a small amount of area damage you can deal a good chunk to the densely toppled groups. The skill rune Shatter will make this reach up to 12-13 hits/targets which is about 33% better overall compared to 3 pierce.
The skill rune Devouring will deal x8.35 times the base damage on last target (79% increase compared to cumulative; 3-4 GR tier buff, roughly) and x4.91 on the fourth piercing. Add in 50% damage increase from damage multiplier to 15000% from 10000% and you’ll have 99-170% overall increase in damage which is about 4-6 GR buff compared to PTR. When you consider those two, I can tell the build will split specs based on utility of crowd control.

My biggest beef with this change is still affecting the hybrid builds that use HA mainly but I guess they wanted to include UE6 HA builds too for an unknown reason. UE and other hybrid builds don’t have space to compensate for this nerf, or the comparable spam rate of HA to the GoD6.

I never really post anything on forums, but please hear me out. I have been super excited to test new firebirds set, because it was weak for ever. Silently I have prayed for season to start on april 2, because I took days off after the holidays only to play this build. We are wasted of the lockdowns worldwide, people are tired of coronavirus. This means we need Blizzard more than ever, we need Blizzard to let us have fun. We need Blizzard to look in the past, for their roots and methods of pleasing the audience. All we needed was a simple adjustments for Firebirds, to let a big lot of people forget about world problems while crushing the demons with their own weapon - fire. I hope, that this message can reach the developers and somehow the Firebird will be our little seasonal theme. Currently I have lost the hype for S23 and I’m being sad - being able to sit hours in season (because of days off), but the only subject I was interested in got crashed. Please leave us a gift before holidays and bring back at least some of the Firebirds powers back…


S23 should be my first Season, i saw this firebird on youtube and was so hyped. other games are funny too, but hey, now i know i don’t buy d2 + d4 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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This whole season is a $&%£ show :rofl:

It’s like amateur hour down at blizzard…


Exactly this. People all around the world are in very bad mood these days and instead of giving some fun to them devs just make mood even worse. Cmon guys, look at community feedback after this great patch notes dissapointment - no one is happy with that. You gave a hope that wiz will shine and crushed it. I don’t even talk about wasted hours of useless testing on PTR. Nothing bad will happen if some builds will blast 150s now since we have A LOT of players with para 8k+, they will just have another 1-2k. If your goal was to upset all the people who just like to play d3 after these 9 years - no doubt it’s achieved. No fun for us, no critical mass, sad.


Exactly! I was so hyped for the new season, planed a whole weekend of pushing with my mates but now… man it’s just feels so BORING now :frowning:

same for me, finaly a new exp meta, a different push meta…nothing they nerf it again, now we have another season 22 without seasonal buf.

  • You should open PTR testing soon.
  • Oh, I thought we won’t be doing this anymore. Everybody expects D4 in 2-3 years (although it is actually 7-8), and in the meantime, we will drop a D2R bone for them to gnaw. So, Seasons again?
  • You can mix something. You can even play a game few minutes, any idea is good.
  • And, after I come out with that, and they all post myriads of requests for changes?
  • Ignore all but few easily implemented. In fact, you can even remove everything you did and come out wih something completely new.
  • That means PTR will be useless, as always. Just buying time.
  • Sure. But this time u can make Season of Isolation as an approved standard by CDC. With a little menagement, it is easy to implement word changing to Desolation and Desperation achieved by the Holy Nerf Inquisition.
  • OK. I’ll throw myself completely to this after I put my mother-in-low in bed.

That is why I feel UE DH is suitable for this task.

It is even worse than S22 because S22 has 4th Kanai Cube.

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-I play FB on PTR
-Yes it was strong/too strong
-part of too strong was the unintended interaction with legacy etched sigil (which was fixed)
-yes it needed a nerf
-my suggestion would be
2p from 7500% to 3500%-4000%
4p untouched 100 staxx
6p for all I care from 4000% to 2500% to 3000%

PLS I BEG ON YOU REVERT THIS IN SOME WAYS :pray:t2: :pray:t2: :pray:t2:


Firebird completely nerf (dead), DH nerf, WD nerf. And double nerf because we loose the 4th slot in cube. (normal it was the Season Theme). But we don’t have any compensations. So the S23 is the same as S22 but worse… This season has no interest.


You can ask what you want, they won’t change anything ! The developer don’t read the forum, they don’t play Diablo 3. Maybe the blue will tell them and the answer will be, it’s our decision, that’s it !


I know … but … hope dies last

No…   we do.  

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while i love the new follower changes, i was really looking forward to finally having a reason to pick lyndon. i fully understand why you would need to change night’s veil, as it was the most op thing on the ptr. you would never have a character with 10sec 100%crit passive with a 30sec cooldown, but for some reason you gave it to the scoundrel.

anyway my point is now that he is a dead stick again, like a lot of thing this season. could we maybe get night’s veil to be a 100% pull @ 20yds instead of crit, now we lose EoJ for FoT on our followers would be nice to get back some usefull crowd control.

well it is a “preview” so please devs reconsider the nerfs on firebirds, it was too much, REALLY TOO MUCH, WE STILL HAVE 2 WEEKS, dont destroy the set PLEASE.

devs are pathetic. why did you do things no one asked for?

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Ending Credits of PTR 2.7.0 starring the D3 Devs (Rooney)

No warm gummies from me. lol