Season 23 | The Disciples of Sanctuary | Has Ended

It works with legacy ETCHED SIGIL - channeling procs the meteor which procs the 6 pieces bonus

Does it apply FB stacks damage? Even if it does, that damage is pretty much irrelevant compared to damage from mirrors.
Are you sure that mirrors don’t proc just because meteors don’t fall?

Yes it’s hard to see. But i didn’t notice any difference today in solo 138 gemups, so i guess they still proc, just without meteors. Too lazy to test.

This did nothing to fix any of the freezing/lagging issues, all it did was nerf the wizard, I am struggling to clear levels that were easy before the hotfix. Buffing and nerfing classes is part of the cycle, but a mid season nerf is pretty low especially if you keep the leaderboard clears the same as pre nerf definitely has an advantage over post nerf.


And Nemesis Bracers only summoning Fallen Champions in GRs :wink:
BTW were you able to see that the other monsters are always minions?

You would hope that they would actually read and listen to posts by MeteorBlade, does more work on customer support then the blues do.

STOP with the nerfing after a build made it from PTR to live.

FIX real issues, like bugs and freezing.

You are REALLY upsetting your customers the way you are ‘fixing’ things. Seriously.


So of all the “issues” in the game you chose to fix this? Like are you guys even paying ANY attention to what’s going on in your game? Stupid question i’m sure, since the answer is a no with all the game’s current issues with crashes/freezes due to your own ineptitude with coding.


Thank you for fixing an obvious bug!

you guys are pathetic. thanks for fixing actual issues


did you actually read my post or did you just decide to make a stupid response for your own amusement?

yeah, i think i know where my damage is coming from if im the rank 1 wizard.

the meteors procced 6pc. over a larger AoE than spectral blades.
by using Zeis you increased the damage of your 6pc procs as a baseline.
you allowed your images to die once proccing 6pc over a large area, then your images revived and were allowed to continue attacking for varying lengths of time depending on mob density/affixes/etc.
this allowed you to do higher dps in situations where your images were not dying instantly (i.e. lower density, rift guardians, good affixes. stack armor/damage reduction/vitality to give your images baseline toughness) and the playstyle in large density and bad affixes relied on recasting images to keep dropping meteors until the pull was manageable enough for your images to not die instantly.

so you’re right. the meteors themselves were not doing damage. just like disintegrate isnt doing damage. and spectral blades isnt doing damage. literally NOTHING THE WIZARD DOES DOES DAMAGE which literally anyone playing wizard knows and makes you just look stupid by repeating. we already knew the meteors werent doing damage. they were proccing 6pc and reviving your images. now neither of those things happen. thus, the zeis variant is removed from the game.

do you need me to draw pictures to help you understand or do you get it yet?

(powerful was also an option in place of zeis, as well as invigorating gem. neither of these are viable anymore either. Enforcer is the ONLY possible option for third gem now. killing build diversity, killing the build variant i preferred playing, and completely disregarding the precedent set by blizzard over all previous patches of NOT DOING something like this MID season)

here’s a video of me clearing 138 with the set-up in question, back when that was my rank1 clear. this was shortly after i figured out how to make zeis work and as far as i know i was the first person to post a leaderboard clear with it. i have since cleared 139 and 140 but my capture software for some reason did not properly record the footage so the 138 is the last one i have video of, but my 140 is still rank1 on the leaderboard with this same setup.

yes, they did proc 6pc. see the video i just posted 1 post above for proof.

i’d been using a no enforcer setup for a while before this nerf and it entirely relied on those meteors for dps in density or bad affixes, as well as the revive.

don’t say things as fact when you have no idea what you’re talking about.

was the deathwish nerfed/broken with the firebird set ? just before if i was in town and channelled disintergate my damage would ramp up. since this up date my damage does not ramp up ?

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Are you sure, that you hadn´t used Unwavering Will before, so that you gained 10% more DMG as you stand still …


You seem like you’re a very angry person. All that rap music.

i have used unwavering will, just tested it and no it is not that. my damage ramped up as i channelled, now it’s just static.


Dude …
No wonder if you use Zei´s Stone, while your Taeguk is out :man_facepalming:

rlly man ?
First think, before you complain ^^

oh yeah thats it, thanks for that.

look dude i wasn’t complaining i just asking a question. there is a difference you know.

and as you have answered my question. i will be nice and leave it there…

You already warned us, yes, correct
you are going to do it in the middle of the season, you think it is the best solution
you count on my sympathy :v:

You …; to write :writing_hand:

We hope these changes will allow players to explore new strategies in high-end group play compositions for Season 23. We hope you enjoy Firebird’s this season, but we will keep an eye on its power and adjust balance in the future.

in the future¿?¿?¿? :joy: :rocket: