Season 22 starting date

Assuming the patch comes out on the 10th, the season will start on the 20th at earliest. Blizzard has already made it very clear that they want enough time to iron out any leftover issue before season start.

So you can already stop wishing for the 13th day, that’s already out of the question.


there is no rule for 2 weeks to start, in the past we had 1 week from the end season to starting a new one, so it is a possibility, another factor the extended ptr, i wont stop to wish, but i will compreend if it proves impossible by technical reasons.

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Yes, there is now. There’s been an official statement about it.

The previous gaps between season 18&19, 19&20 and 20&21 were all 12 days.

As such, 13th day will not be the season start.

Having only a few day gap from patch deployment to season start has several times already bitten Blizzard’s rear end. And with the issues plagueing PTR in mind do you really want to risk botching the season from the start?


stop quoting that.

That post is almost irrelevant for this year when a lot of stuff happened. It was very likely for 13th to start season but now that we are 5th and not even patch note revealed… will be 20th.

Aaaanyway, will have some time to push a bit on non seasonal chars.

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probably, well ate least we will get the patch and have some fun testing on non season ^-^

As soon as the S21 end date of 8th November was confirmed, it was never likely that S22 would start on the 13th, because this would only leave 3 days between patching day (Tuesday 10th November being first available) and a new season starting (Friday 13th November). Nev’s post, which I’ve also linked in a number of threads, has held true for every season start since it was made, i.e. unless they specify otherwise, there’s always going to be over a week from patching live and the next season starting.


Dude… its not like they aren’t working right now… but anyways whenever 13th or 20 all i can do now is wait. But i still hope for 13th you like it or not =)

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It really doesn’t matter how old that Nev’s statement is. It is however latest official statement regarding how long it will take from patch deployment to season start. So yes, unless it’s otherwise specified, S22 will start minimum of one week after patch deployment.

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We all know deep inside that it’s most likely November 20th. But there a little voice whispering in the back of your head that maybe, just maybe, the Devs will give us an early Christmas present and start S22 on November 13th? One can only wish, right?


It was a month testing. Because the 4th cube and clones of season themes only come out sharp when there is trouble. unnecessary to relax. WoW will start on the twenty-third, if the season starts on the twentieth, there will be trouble.

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Just because the 13th is on a Friday, I like that date.
Otherwise, doesn’t matter to me, tbh.

Why the fuss about wow start and d3 season start.
Just play one and later the other…
Both will be around a long time…

All Seasons start on a Friday.

I don’t believe it’s about Friday.

I believe it was a reference to “Friday the 13th”.

we have had a thursday launch before, though not common at all

I seem to recall Blizz announcing the start date of a season, and then having to recant and put it back a week due to ‘issues’, and getting absolutely roasted on the forums from those who had made plans to be off school/work etc and cleared out their weekend to be ready for the season start. So they’re kinda in a damned if they do, damned if they don’t situation with announcing season start dates.

Hey, look on the bright side, it will probably be before we know 100% who won the election, right? What a sh…show. Embarrassing for the bestest country in the world with the finest democratic system of “checks and balances”…


Two actually. We’ve currently had 19 Seasons that started on a Friday and 2 Seasons that started on Thursday.

Thursday, July 20, 2017
Thursday, November 9, 2017


D3 Resource, Seasons Overview
Diablo III: Seasons


Can we get an update on the start date please.



No 10 chars :frowning:

Season blog “always” posted on Friday. If no blog today, it will be posted next Friday.

Not true.

Now that is an older one and yes in recent seasons it has typically been on Friday but no reason to spread misinformation.