Season 22 = only Jesseths season

Well…i admit i do like pinapple on pizza

mushroom pineapple cheese

You forgot good ham blow the pinapples and the cheese

You literally said Jesseth’s would be the only wearable choice.
You literally said no-one would use the Sycthe of the Cycle.
You literally said things that the leaderboards have proven wrong.

Ha, ha, ha. Stop it!

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Fix incoming. one more week PTR incoming.

I do doubt they will fix that

i mean that looks hilariously broken. :joy:

if the barbs see this theyll rampage just like back then when the DHs in the days of season 4 were hiding behind a wall while the barb had to facetank all the damage :smiley:

Wait WHAT. He created a WOW-Guild, with 89 Members where he is the leader and all of the other 88! Members are Chars from HIM. Just so he can be a leader somewhere?

Holy Guacamole, thats some serious Napoleon-Issue

I’m going to predict his next claim…

He’s the world’s best WoW guild leader and he killed vanilla Ragnaros before Molten Core even went live and he played all 40 of the raid!

No …but i mean seriously. Imagine creating a guild and filling that guild JUST with Twinks…with 88 Twinks. What the hell?

We should call him “Sweaty Feet” since he wears SOOOO many socks!

and that’s just one of my guilds. :rofl:

But…Bravata…WHY, just WHY

funny you say this, i did kill ragnaros in under 60 seconds on 38 frost mages.

because my potential goes far beyond what a single character can give me. I had to unleash my true ability.

Lol, sure 80 Charakters Multiboxing. Anyhow this is the weirdest thing ive ever see someone do. Although its somewhat really funny, cheers

Oh, really? I remember the first time I saw this kill video of 1 Warrior,1 Paladin,1 Priest,1 Druid,3 Warlocks and 33 Mages killing Ragnaros. It took 1min 16sec…

No doubt you got your kill before this because, as we all know, you’re super awesome and never tell a fib. Of course, you’ve also mentioned in other threads that you’re still at school so that means you can’t be more than 18 years old.

That kill video was from 2006, i.e. 14 years ago.
Are you seriously claiming that you multi-boxed 40 accounts at age four?

that’s pretty bad tbqh. They waste a lot of dps spots and they have a lot of bad mages, you can see in the DPS meter only like 4 decent mages. Maybe 25 trade chat mages in greens or something. I’ve seen reports of 45 seconds. cool old video though.

So, you’re just going to attempt to side-step the fact that you’re claiming to have 40-boxed the end boss of Molten Core at age four then? You know, back then, it was long before you’d have virtual machines, PC’s capable of running lots of instances of the game, and so on. Let’s assume 1 tank, 1 healer, 38 mages and each PC capable of running at most 3 copies of the game.

You need one PC, keyboard and mouse for the tank. You need one PC, keyboard and mouse for the healer. You need one PC for each three mages, so that’s 13 PCs. Let’s assume you somehow used keyboard / mouse splitters for all those. So, 15 PCs, 3 keyboards, 3 mice, presumably 3 monitors. And your parents bought you all this at age four?

A quick search found this article… …which says the average price of a PC in 2004 was $1699. So, 15 of those is $25,485. Add in the monitors, keyboard and splitters and you’d easily be looking at $26,000. For a four-year-old.

Frankly, the increasing ridiculousness of your claims is impressive but, rest assured, people are laughing at you, not with you.

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As long as you equip only jesseths :slight_smile: