Season 22 chapter 2 expert nethalem rift

Does anyone know how to complete the Chapter 2 Expert objective. I have completed the rift on expert and hardcore Level 15 torment 2 several times but I can’t get this last objective to complete. Any help??? I am so frustrated!! I thank my hero who helps me in advance!!!

You most likely completed the rift before base level 70. You have to do so when you are at base level 70 and above (paragon levels+)

I am level 70 Paragon Level 113.

You first need to complete ALL the objectives of Chapter 1 before you can get the rewards of Chapter 2.

Done! Finished those a while ago. I just can’t get that chapters 2 expert item to mark done.

As far as I know, you don’t need to be lvl70 to complete the Expert rift for Ch.2

Take a few screenshots of your journey progress (Chapter 1 and Chapter 2) and your inventory/character sheet so that we can say for certain what the issue is.

When you’ve uploaded them, add a ` to the beginning and end of the url, so it appears like this

to be able to post it here.

There is also a long-standing bug that sometimes doesn’t automatically mark objectives as complete. If that’s the case, just close the game and restart it.

I will do that. I will post it a little later. Thanks!

Hmm, there’s a small possibility that the game didn’t register that you’ve done it.

Exit game, reenter and finish another rift and see if that works.

I’ve seen other players that had issues getting tasks checked off on the Seasonal Journey before and that repeating it after sometimes works.

“Level 15 torment 2” suggest you did a Greater Rift, but for this objective you have to finish a Nephalem Rift, just as it says.

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