Season 21 - Trials of Tempests: Double Bounties

Great… new think. And why you dont fix EU servers? Double bounties with error 1016? Imposible…

The issue with double bounties on EU was fixed a couple of hours ago…

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Yet, you posted that?

Perhaps you should delete that, gather your thoughts, come back and use your words? Or is that too difficult for you?

That is a generic disconnect error that can be caused by anything that causes a hiccup along the route between you and the game server. Lots of things can cause that.

There was a previously identified issue with EU connectivity that was resolved a few days ago. However, after that some more issues surfaced. Last posts were 2 days ago here on the EU Tech Support forum.


Don’t forget about the problem with not recording highiest personal GR clears on EU server…

You could also make the elemental effects (season theme) from other players “less visible” when playing in group (like the WD pets when you have a WD in party, they are barely visible)…

Lowering the opacity on most of the elemental effect by at least 50-75% could also work and would make the elemental effects less painful to our eyes…


Apparently not…

Last night around 9pm PST it was not working on Switch, has that been addressed? So far I only see EU servers and Xbox mentioned by the community manager. Switch players always seem to get screwed on stuff like this…

I don’t recall seeing any reports of the problem affecting the Switch in the Console Bug Report forum so maybe that’s why it didn’t get a mention specifically.

My brother and I play on Switch and there’s nothing in game that says double bounties are active and last time we did a full set we only got 1 cache from each act.

I am looking forward toward the ptr patch note. A lot of people are expecting a rebalancing patch. Make it happen!!!

UGH… Double Bounties…

This is the thing I wanted to see the LEAST. Now I’m even more disappointed.
But I’m a little bit happy that they are making tweaks/add stuff during mid season, in future might be handy.

Hopefully, next season + mid season buff will be awesome. GL.

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Just gotta add my voice to the chorus here: while double bounties are always appreciated, it’s a little frustrating that it’s a season-only feature especially given that so many people have said that the season theme makes them ill and prevents them from playing.


Why is this only for people playing on Season? The Season already provides enough advantages, people got what are essentially free max lvl legendary gems by exploiting the theme… and instead of issuing at least temporary bans or rollbacks, you allowed it… and then on top of that, I guess they needed another advantage in the form of double bounty mats…

NS players be damned…


Double bounties is a nice add to the season as I am not really impressed with the basic seasonal theme. The only thing that really make a difference is the snowball, the rest are useless. Thank you Blizzard!

Will be good, if make it to double primal and increase drop rate, double gem level upgrade x4x become 8x, 5x become 10x.

Can i ask a question?. Is this an off-season april fools joke?.

I mean of all the things you could have picked, this was the best idea you could come up with, double bounties? like seriously? I’m actually in freaking shock right now.

Please try again.

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It says all bounties doubled. You obviously have a different interpretation of what the word ‘all’ means. I suggest you look up the word in the dictionary.

Why is it always seasons? A bone for the the non season’s is that asking to much?


A carrot stick to play season…

stash would be better


Season 21 - Trials of Tempests: Double Bounties

Obviously, you don’t understand what “Season 21 - Trials of Tempests” means.

Personally, I think they should have given Double Bounties to Season and non-Season. That way, those who had difficulty playing in Season 21’s Theme would have some compensation.

But, they did not do that and they did not say they did that. They did just what the thread title says. And that IS NOT “false advertising”.