Season 21 PTR - Organized DH Feedback Thread! 🏹

Well, he is “naming and shaming” as he’s accusing the players whose profiles he linked of being “hackers”. That’s against the Code of Conduct, so there is a button you could use.

I know Calamity is bad, because it doesn’t apply Marked For Death until after the first hit. Can calamity help somewhat ok for strafe? Is it just one target? What about contagion?

Cantagion doesn’t work with Calamity, as the enemy needs to be marked when he dies. Valley of Death however is working.

I made a video about a feq years ago with the different runes (german, but I think you can get the idea)

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Later today hopefully…

@hebalon Oh so it does mark every enemy hit. Very nice. I was curious, but calamity may be bad haha. Choosing a Marked For Death rune takes a skill slot.

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Ptr is up.

Initial (quick) impression: set is broken, 6-piece damage bonus doesn’t seem to work. Strafe does fire primaries quite quickly, but doesn’t generate momentum stacks. It does proc Wraps of Clarity…

The 2-piece bonus now is 10% damage “per second of momentum”. i.e. 10 seconds / 100% damage bonus, max.

Shooting a different primary removes all momentum from the other primary, i.e. if you have 10 stacks on hungering arrow, then shoot bolas, you start over at 0.

I had a few issues with Ninth Cirri Satchel where the damage bonus was absent, and HA also wouldn’t pierce. Then, all of a sudden it started working. Don’t know why!

Odyssey’s end damage bonus does seem to work. Entangling Shot also applies 2 stacks of momentum on each hit (one for the “arrow”, one for the “chain”)

That all sounds like a trainwreck compared to all the speculation and hopes…

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The new set is trash.


I agree. After testing it feels entirely broken. Strafe being the focal point of the build and you get to actively use strafe “maybe” 2 seconds tops and thats only if you are lucky enough to build stacks using your primary before they fall off ridiculously quickly.


It seems like there should at least be a buffer before momentum decays (so you can alternate between Strafe and a hardcast primary skill to keep momentum at maximum). The fast decay of momentum is disappointing. E.g. if you hit maximum stacks you get a 5-second grace period before they start to decay. If you cast a primary again you renew the grace period if casting pushes it back to maximum.

Primaries each having a separate momentum counter (and zeroing out each other) is also bizarre.

Great job, thanks for your effort, Iria :slight_smile:


I wish I could upvote this more. When there’s a consolidated feedback thread we need to focus people on supporting it.


2 Huge points that I dislike on this set with a passion that if I saw a dev in front of me I would punch in the face LOL.
1 - That wording they added to the set that “If” you have stacks of momentum killed the defense bonus of the set making more squishy then it would already be. DH’s lack of defenses for some builds for a long time and this would be one already pretty squishy as well. And they didn’t add the Global defense bonus icon either. PRETTY LAZY OF THEM!
2 - It seems to me that they were really on a rush that they added the stacks of momentum to the primary skills instead of making it a global bonus like CoE nope they had to add to each primary skill so when you attack with a new primary you lose all previous stacks so again another build that could potentially be good after they fix the damn 4 set bonus dmg. I mean it clearly shows you how much they play their own creation. They have no knowledge of numbers not even to have a more decent point to start at.

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Sound like there is no interaction between CoD’s 2 pcs & 4 pcs bonus, not a typical Set Design, hope that it is just a bug :slight_smile:

If no one answered you…

-No, they don’t proc Wraps
-Yes, they do proc area damage
-No it doesn’t trigger FnR

Right now the set doesn’t do enough damage, and is too squishy to be viable in much unless you have really high paragon

Thanks, but we tested everything today.

We verified that Wraps are indeed refreshed while strafing with momentum but Focus is not (Restraint is activated by Strafe itself).

For area damage, we extensively verified that while Strafe itself does proc area damage, the primaries fired with momentum do not. This was not easy to test but we ended up creating a complicated setup using 3 players in PVP in a specific formation to test this.


I watched Dieoxide’s stream at the same time I leveled up on PTR season. Good work Die, Iria, and Woog. I’m happy, and see you updated the thread with all the info - Thank you!

My stance that Blizz hates DHs remains unchanged. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:


The only good thing about the new set is that it gives you a nice transmog.

The new set doesn’t feel like a set at all. The set bonus doesn’t work with it’s only set bonus, it doesn’t work with other legendary power, it doesn’t have a smooth battle flow, it just doesn’t have a place anywhere at all.

The set bonus feels like separate legendary powers that have strict limitation place on them.

I really love the demon hunter in D3 but from what i see, blizzard really hates them with a passion…


Yep, same here. DH is my favorite class, but i’m afraid it is going to be permanently the “only for speedfarming” class. Really a shame…

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