Season 21 - Idea - Grandeur Impériale - Reduces the number of items needed for set bonuses by 2

No time soon m8.
With the Chinese virus in place and people sent home, Diablo IV is at a stand still.

Imagine several members of the team are Chinese and Korean and can’t get home to their families are going crazy.

Nothing is getting done with game being created now.

@OP I think this idea is along the lines of… lets have all the PTR buffs and D’jank Miem vendor for a season theme! :thinking:

How about super-power up the followers and let them use legendary gems in order to promote solo play?

Followers can actually use Legendary Gems. Most efficient are:

  • Gem of Efficacious Toxin
  • IceBlink

No they can’t. They can wear them, but they have no effect when used on a follower.