Season 20 Wizard Vyr Chantodo - Dying all the time

For Season 20 I have a wizard with Vyr’ set… everyone keeps saying that I should be able to easily run solo GR’s of 120+ BUT I can’t even get past GR75.

Can someone please look at my setup and offer some advice…PLEASE

You have no survivibility at all in your build + low parangon

  • replace force armor by storm armor + karini (either replace CoE by karani, or EW set by squirt + karini)
  • replace APD by ashnagar
  • replace Elemental Exposure by Galvanizing Ward

It will be MUCH more tankier.
Once you learned to play the build, then you may use more squishy variants to boost your damage

Archon snowballs a lot, the more stack you build in a rotation, the more powerful you will be in the next rotation. If you struggle to survive, you can’t build enough stacks since you will have to dodge a lot, and you are screwed

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Thank you for your quick reply. Will make the changes immediately and give it a try. Is EW set the compass rose & travellers pledge set?

yes, it is the endless walk set

You also don’t have enough CDR, which hurts your survivability. Longer time out of Archon means you are vulnerable for longer, then when you finally reenter Archon you have less overlap, which means less snowball, which means less stacks, which means less toughness again after you exit Archon. The build plays very poorly with insufficient CDR.

Looks like you are running only about 47% CDR and no Gogok. That’s no bueno.

You want to be in the 50-55% range, THEN have Gogok and Obsidian Ring on top of that.

Replace your Pain Enhancer with Gogok of Swiftness and pick up at least one more CDR roll. Gloves are a good spot to grab CDR. You could also swap Obsidian Ring and CoE, i.e. wear Obsidian Ring and cube CoE. That’s an easy way to pick up an extra CDR roll, since Obsidian Ring always comes with it.

And as Snaky said, Karini + Storm Armor and Blood Bracers + Galvanizing Ward will also do wonders for your survivability.

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I have not looked at the affixes to be honest :slight_smile:

You need CDR on wand / source / gloves / shoulders (+gogok, +diamond in helm), AS on wand, ℅cold on bracers and amulet, critical chance/damage/intel wherever it is possible, and the rest will be for survival (vit, ℅life, armor since all resist is week on intelligence based classes)

Area damage does not work, and there is no ℅skill useful since the damage is almost exclusively done by chantodo

A Reaver in cube will help your archon rotation instead of Furnace at sub100 GR

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Thank you all for your advice, I will try out recommendations asap. :clap:

All you have to do is look at the leaderboards and see what most are usin for the build. It varies by what level and paragon you have.

Copying builds from the top of the leaderboard isn’t really what you want to do for farming though.

Drives me nuts when I see guys in T16 pub bounty or rift games running push builds with Stricken and almost no movement speed. And then wonder why they can’t keep up. And it’s obvious they just copied the build at the top of the leaderboard and then think it’s good for everything.

It’s not. Different builds for different purposes.

It can also lead you to running squishy builds. There are some high paragon players that may try relying on paragon for toughness and running without Karini to eke out some extra DPS. The majority of players are not going to want to copy that build, because they won’t have anywhere near enough paragon, and it just won’t work for them.


The main post was he was wondering why he couldnt get past a 75 on lb. I know i have a diff build for push,bounties,rifts.