Screen ratio 16:9 - 21:9

This has been brought up a few times but I don’t think you need to limit the aspect ratio for PVE, while yes it will give a unfair view advantage with mobs and layout, both issues could be fixed if needed. Map layout I don’t go off what I see on screen, generally the map itself will give me a better idea as maps have a set amount of tiles and generally the exit can be sniffed out by looking at the map. The mobs could be masked off at 16:9 so you see environment and not mobs, could apply same to drops so they don’t visibly show up past 16:9, but I see that being more visibly confusing then anything.

In the end I don’t think they should limit it to 16:9 for PVE parity, really doesn’t help that much for navigation but does help see mobs and drops further. PVP is a whole different ballpark and will most certainly lead to conflict. There you could again either add a mask for visibility or a fog of war past 16:9 during hostile toggle to level the playing field.

Do you want res limits as well as 4k(2k) players will see more than 1080p and that’s certainly just as unfair. I dunno… again PVP would definitely help with some information on how it works but hopefully they actually release new info soon and not reiterate their development process in 16 different ways…:slight_smile:

the amount of pixels isnt really the issue :slight_smile: its the mechanics that does not support the ultra wide view range. and with regards to masking the mobs as you mentioned, so they wont show unless its within a 16:9 ratio that would be fine in my eyes, this way you cant just target and kill mobs who have yet to be activated, atleast not on purpose, but we still heave teleport, and leap, movement skills that extend futher than 16:9 is problematic, if it could be fit to a fixed range, so leap cant go futher than within 16:9, same for teleport, than that wouldnt be a problem either. and the masking might work with players too, no name locking no sniping outside peoples screen. and alot of these things might be fixable with solutions like these. and i hope to god they will implement stuff like this to fix the problems we are facing, and these things are game breaking.
and i wish they would be more interactive with us, we have no info to go on. we, or i could really use some info on alot of things not just monitor sizes

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Trueish but my point is if D2R can do 3840 × 2160 which is 1.9:1 or 17.1:9 … if my 21:9 does 3440 x 1440 I really have no advantage over a 4k closer to 16:9 res. I looked up a 5120 x 2160 ultra-wide and then I start seeing an vast improvement over 4k but there are 5120 × 2880 resolution monitors which are 16:9.

Now if blizzard locks max resolution to 4k than it does not matter if I use a high end ultra-wide that goes past it, a 4k 16:9 (1.9:1) will see the same amount.

Your problem is resolution more than aspect ratio.

what a monstrosity :smiley:
but even a nice picture quality wont fix the issues with AI and movement skills.
i can fully understand why people wanna see the game in 21:9 or 32:9 it would be amazing, we just have to fix alot of stuff for it to work together with the game, like visible range on the mobs and players, and tele, leap range so it works without problems, fitting that into a 16:9 while still showing the background of the world. though i do see a problem with areas like arcane sanctuary where u can tell its the wrong way half way trough that direction :stuck_out_tongue: if 21:9 or higher was the new standard, as in no more 16:9 monitors being made, than it would make sense to keep it the way it is, AI aside that is

Wider over more cubed is definitely where monitors should go, we naturally see more left to right than up and down so it makes sense, and games are so much better when I can bury my bars/UI on the side.

Your right though PVP especially I see some issues, but if they have locked it to 4k than anything wider will just stretch out or go black, unless some way to circumvent it. I don’t mind a fog of war, surrounds you if you go into hostile, anyone hostile is restricted to a 16:9 1080p view, anything past is like D3 Diablo shadow fight, blocks it out. That’s nothing too special and as long as it’s not easy to disable by script it would work well.

As far as Arcane, ummmmm I don’t mind hahaha

cant say i do either, i hate that area, but i would feel it being abit cheaty if i just saw, nvm easier key farming. hmm fog of war would be pretty cool actually, if you go pk’ing against random people they will have a bigger view than the evil pk’er, well atleast some people, the lucky few with widescreen monitors :face_with_monocle:

That’s why I like the idea, I really don’t PVP unless I need to solve an issue or try too anyways, but this gives non PVPers the heads up and advantage to GTFO and equalizes PVP resolution issues.

I technically convinced myself an ultrawide is good for my side work, which it is, but really was for gaming too.

lmao :smiley: im debating with my self wether to get a 2560 x 1080 curved monitor or a 3440 x 1440 flat monitor, and im still not sure i wanna upgrade, i think it will be too big for the distance between me and the monitor. but well thats a me problem not a game problem :slight_smile:

I bought a curved but you can find better panels for cheaper in flat usually, it works for me though, only issue is if I adjust seating a bit I need to re-angle it or I can notice it being off too much. Making sure the base isn’t a monstrosity is also important or just custom mount it somehow. Past that it’s whatever your video card can handle.

If you get it wide and curved enough it’s basically VR heh (ya not really) but I would need to win the lottery.

It won’t effect the serious duelists nearly as much as you’d think.

Most of us are long used to dealing with people who have auto-aim hacks, which allows players to tele in from way further out than ultra wide screen.

It will however mostly effect range vs range dueling. Such as Bowa vs. Bowa GM with no hacks, or say two no enigma Necros on foot, tossing spirits & spears at each other, also with no hacks.

^ Widescreen will definitely impact these kinds of range vs. range duels.

Ya my PVP fixer was a bonemancer, especially when spirit was vicious, I got my dmg time frames all messed up but it generally mopped up most pests with him. Guided arrow bowazon when it fully pierced and just keeps going was also nice for a period of time lol but I never did focus on PVP, just don’t like going after people too much, not unless they started it.

Anyone can force 21:9 perspective on their monitor. Will just have blank spaces at the top and bottom.

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that sadly wont fix the problems with AI and skills extending beyond its intended range

Although I probably should post this in the linked topic above but either way it’s not ultra wide you guy’s have a problem with it’s just resolutions.

If D2R supports 3840 x 2160 (4k) 16:9 then ultra wide isn’t your issue, my ultra wide will do 3440 x 1440, still far below 4k resolution so no advantage over the 16:9, in fact I am missing much more top to bottom compared to a 16:9.

Now this can indeed be a huge concern in PVP, but PVE if the AI compensates for increased resolution, ultra wide will and is a non factor compared to 16:9.

More directed to DHA than buzz, I know we talked aboot this :slight_smile:

we still need some fixings :stuck_out_tongue: monster AI was debated as an issue when it went to 800x600, and 16:9 seems to barely work with AI and aggro range. someone mentioned another solution than those we talked about yesterday, not sure if im remembering correctly, but it was something similar to a zoomed version that gave the same view range of a 16:9 but using the whole 21:9 for it. i just wish they would tell us something :smiley:

Just play Diablo 3 on 21:9 and then come give your opinion.
Most of these are guesses and nonsense.

are you forgetting the game was made when the monitors where square??, and that the AI is bound to only activate when players are within a certain reach?, and that 16:9 is already at the very limit of it, a 21:9 monitor will make it possible to click on the monsters in their stand by mode making them similar to pratice dummies. d3 was made many years later than even LoD the expansion. there are plenty of videos showing the problems with AI and view range from ultra wide monitors, and you cant simply fix it by increasing aggro range.
i have seen many people say just buy a 21:9 monitor. hmm its as good of an arguement as “dont you guys have phones” its not the point the game will be broken with a ultra wide screen, it wasnt designed for these modern monitors

Its not the very limit. It’s way above it. By a lot. This game was made to work on 4:3 and 4:3 alone.

D3 was made with 16:9 in mind, but it’s possible to play in 21:9 without issues. You’ll be surprised.

You don’t need to buy a new monitor to play in 21:9, you can force it on 16:9 monitors on the manufacturer videocard configurations.

Trust me the positives of having 21:9 properly supported by the devs far outweights the negatives, specially on the long run. And Diablo games are famous for lasting a long time after release.

they would have to find a way to deal with aggro range and movement skills reach for 21:9 view range to be a good thing till than we would need a view range of 16:9 even on a 21:9 monitor