Correct. None of that is enough for 7 GRs, much less 4 GRs. I’m not talking about just WW, or IK, or even Vile Charge which capitalizes on the IK 6 bonus. You don’t seem to understand how damage multipliers stack up; as Ulma pointed out, there aren’t additional multipliers to benefit the rune. You get IK 6 and . . . that’s it. Compare that to, say, HOTA, where in the IK HOTA build, you get the IK bonus, Gavel, the bracers, Wrath, and leg gems. Arreat’s is a form of burst or instance-type damage.
Look, we’ve been over this. The bracers are doing very, very little to “buff” any build. It’s certainly not a meaningful buff as it addresses none of the core problems of the class, and it certainly won’t be piling on 7 GRs to anyone’s clears.
I don’t mean this as an insult, but you don’t understand how this game works for end-game pushes. PE, Toxin, Wreath, etc. don’t deal meaningful damage with any set. Those gems are never used for their damage; they’re used for their utility.
Here’s an even better example: Why does Avalanche deal zero damage in any and every MOTE build?
How much damage does Rend do in comparison to WW in the Zodiac WW build?
These questions are intended to get you thinking about how damage works in the game. They’re similar to the question: Why is the damage from the gems listed above always meaningless?
It’s not that simple. If you’d read our proposal and everything I posted in my threads, you would understand. The problem is much more pervasive and systemic.
Is it life or death?
No. We’re simply arguing our points.
Do we need you to tell us obvious things like, “It’s just a game!”
Absolutely not. You can choose to participate and be constructive, or you can simply not post. In other words, if you can’t be productive, you can at least stop trolling.
On the contrary, I have good reason to believe it means much more, whether or not X or Y made it into the patch. What’s more, our work goes pretty far beyond being “chair developers.” I don’t think you’ve read the proposal, and if you did, I don’t think you understood the work we did. List 1 are changes that would have zero impact on other classes–simple numbers adjustments to existing items that would grant Barbs what they need: intra- and inter-class parity. In other words, just those changes alone would suffice to do what I talk about at the end of this post: 2.6.6 and Barbs: A Measured Response
List 2 would do that and fix all the problems in our class–even server lag with WW. And again, the effect on other classes would be minimal. List 1 represents next to no issues for the game engine. List 2 would require far more testing and was always the dream list, the stuff we want but are less likely to receive.
I think you see the problem.
List 1 could have been included in this patch, easily, and without problem.
We didn’t even get that.
Read the link I posted above.