Sanctified Whirlwind and Bane of the Stricken+

So the sanctified effect “pulls in and holds” mobs while you are spinning.

Does that mean if you are using Stricken, that the mobs continue to get hit for the entirety of the time they are held? That would make Stricken pretty mandatory for the build, I would assume. I have only gotten up to GR90, so I am still using Bane of the Powerful, but I am starting to level up stricken when I thought of this. I am just not sure of the mechanics.

And, while the mobs are being held, do they do no damage to you? Can other people attack them? If that is the case, maybe this would be a good zbarb build too?

I am a little confused by your post but I will do my best to answer it.

These have nothing to do with each other. While whirlwind is active you are hitting everything all the time no matter if you have stricken equipped or not.

Stricken is a gem barbs take when elites and rift guardians become harder then desired. For rend that threshold for me is when rifts average longer then 3 minutes.

Stricken places a 1 single random stack on any on the mob you are hitting at any given time. So if you are hitting 20 enemies stricken is doing very little because the stacks get spread all over the place. But when the rift guardian spawns all those stack go towards one enemy unless ofcourse the guardian spawns adds then the same problem applies.

power gem can be used efficiently for rifts averaging under 3 minutes. Problem with this gem is it stop gaining power the second you level it to 25. After that it no longer progresses. Where is stricken continues progression all the way to 150 when it is tremendously powerful.

They do damage to you like normal. There are time when they are pulled they kinda jump around and act stunned.


Are you referring to stricken or the ww sucking power?
Stricken is never taken on zbarb as it only effects the users damage.
The ww power on zbarb is currently the META in season. Every competitive zbarb will use it.

Hope this helps!!!

So if you are pulling mobs along, you are continuously hitting each one, right? That was what I was asking. That makes it seem that stricken is always better than powerful.

I am thinking a zbarb (raekors/savages build) with bul kathos weapons and the whirlwind effect, as the mobs that get sucked up are not hitting anyone, so its good cc. Still not sure it would work, but I would like to try it.

If mobs are dieing almost immediately then powerful is the way you go. Stricken only stack on one mob at a time so its only good for single target or longer fights. in a speed run lets a pack on enemies is has 20 mobs. You go in with powerful and kill them in 5 seconds. Where is with stricken you go in and the entire pack might take 7 seconds but more importantly is how the stack were applied. Out of the 20 mobs they all received random stacks. Some have 1 and some may have 10 stacks but the overall average would be less then what powerful would benefit you. Now if say that same mob with 20 the fight lasted 1 minute then stricken would be better. The average stack would would far out way what powerful could offer. Also take into account your stricken level. The higher it is the lower it becomes the better option. For me my stricken in level 131 already and I used it for anything 105+.