i absolutely love this season and i can see myself playing through every set and every class in non-seasonal as well if we had sanctified items. Also players loved the RoRG bonus from a while ago. I think a major upgrade to non-seasonal would really help keep this game fresh and fun.
Firstly, the development is done. Nothing further will be added anymore.
Secondly, some of the powers are OP and reduce build diversity.
It was suggested ages ago that some powers could be added to legendaries that still didn’t have any powers. It happened to only one power, the autocast Fists.
As for the sanctified mechanic itself, that’s not needed.
Season crucible 4life
If players didn’t like the seasonal powers then they would not eagerly await reach season and flock to the opening. Regular season play is a dead experience after playing a seasonal character. I do not understand the hate for the seasonal powers. If the majority loves seasonal play and wish it to be applied across the board, then what is with the character power balance thing ? Things are not going to suddenly change…you are not in danger of losing your edge to some overpowered seasonal player. Just chill and let others wish their wishes.
I don’t hate seasonal themes and their powers but I also understand that they are just that, seasonal. As such they should stay season only. Why should everything be brought to non-season? The NS baseline balance is already atrociously bad, there’s zero reason to make it worse by making themes permanent.
iirc, the crafted primals from page 11 were introduced because ppl liked the sanctified items so much. So in a way, they are in non-season, and as a result we get double crafted primals this season!
I’ll possibly when you tell me, but what are page 11 crafted primals?
First of all, love the user name.
Secondly, while I feel like Kirottu was a little harsh/blunt, he does have a point in that the only reason this game is still maintained is because it gives Blizzard some sort of advantage somehow. That’s how businesses operate, especially for-profit ones; they’re getting something out of keeping D3 going, or else they’re getting something out of not shutting it down, take your pick.
My guess? They don’t quite think the bad PR from pulling the plug is worth the savings from not having to keep the servers spinning. Plus, it’s undeniable that people do “come back” to D3 during the first few weeks of a season they enjoy. So you get some sort of “retention metrics” there I suppose.
If they let us do whatever we wanted non-season, they’d lose that retention metrics bump. And in full honestly, I’d probably get bored eventually. There are only so many seasons that I actually like. Kind of becomes the “Midas Touch” problem - sometimes things are only precious because they’re so limited.
Kanai’s Cube, the very last tab on it. Basically, you can craft a primal with some restrictions, most notably that you can only wear ONE crafted primal per character and it can’t be something that is already crafted (ie, you can’t make Captain Crimson pants primal in that way).
It requires 100 primal dust (I forget the actual name and I’m feeling lazy). You get 55 dust when you salvage a primal. Worth noting that you also need this dust to fully unlock the altar though.
I was also wondering what that was. Thanks
He was just being superfluous to the OP, nothing new. Whenever my business has people like that in creation groups, they’re the ones who get told “yeah, you can leave”.
Blizzard are a greedy entity now. I’m sure some copies still get sold and there’s the true?.. tinfoil hat? theories about them banking on botters re-buying copies.
I’ll be honest, I think they don’t give 2 about their PR. They’re one of the top most hated gaming companies out there. So many memes, evidences of shady practices and dishonesty, yet those things don’t change. As long as people keep voting with their wallets, they’ll maintain the status quo.
There does need to be a line between season and NS. I’m fine with “diluted” versions of season things going to NS.
and here is the promised emoji:
Haha sorry would just “crafted primal” be less confusion??
I’m always afraid someone will think I mean “primals that I got when crafting items at the blacksmith” if I say just “crafted primal” or “primal that I got when reforging in the cube with page 2”. But maybe I’m just making it worse like this…
A.K.A. Upgraded Legendary Items.
Blizzard never did add a Warning in red text that only one can be equipped at a time.
Much to the dismay of many that have wasted ashes and a good legendary only to realize the item is now trash as it can’t be worn. And, if you have a lot of alts, it’s hard to remember which ones are crafted and where and which ones are found. The item may tell you it’s crafted with ashes, but I haven’t noticed any markings that denote that if they do. Seems like a good idea half executed as usual.
One is never going to find a lot of relevant primals for their character. Would have been nice to perfect characters over the season with the ability to convert, eventually, all your gear to primal with the right stats. You still have layers of RNG in getting them rolled right, enchanted, and enhanced, so still no easy task.
As it currently stands, people just have thousands of ashes in their mats inventory with absolutely no use.
If I feel the need to upgrade a better version of Crafted Primal item, I do it with the Alternate Character. (Or rather, the Character that will equip it). Any duplicates I end up with of a lesser quality I go ahead and salvage to get back some of the Primordial Ashes.
It’s an odd thing to consider. I freaking LOVE the Crusader build right now, and is hands down THE most fun I’ve ever had in Diablo 3. Hell, even my dad created one after seeing how much fun I was having, and he’s echoed the same sentiments.
I can also understand how some of these powers are so powerful, maybe other builds are less competitive.
It honestly sucks they aren’t still developing content for D3, because I honestly prefer it vastly over Diablo 4.
I figured there was a way but I looked for a symbol and never noticed the border
- On the Game Menu or in-game: Press Esc.
- Click Options.
- In the left panel click Gameplay .
- In the right panel, under Interface check the box for
Rarity Icons for Items.
Those are the icons you see in the lower right corner of Legendary items. Regular Primal items will have a red border and an orange star. Crafted Primal items have a gold border and a red pentagram. (In case you didn’t already know).
“Kanai page 11” would’ve solved the mystery for me.
I’m aware of the recipe, just couldn’t connect the dots.
But then there isn’t anything else with pages (except those set dungeon thingies, but they don’t count), so it wasn’t outworldy impossible to get.