S30 Group Meta?

What’s it gonna be? Any guesses, anyone? Maxroll has its ideas but they don’t always work on consoles.

It’s hard to imagine that any build will out perform the Twister Firebird on console for pushing. With the watered down altar and soul shards there are probably a lot of builds that could easily do 150 in groups. I play on the switch and the next most common dps I have seen in 150 groups is Tal Rasha but that causes even more lag issues than Twister Firebird.

Friend and I tested various combos last night. DPS + zbarb. We ran 135’s (on xbox). I have to agree with you, FB Twister is looking very good.

Here’s a list :

  1. LoD Meteor - sucked, might be strong but can’t run it without Altar - 3 or 11 ?
  2. Inarius Nova - strong, but console density sucks so it’s not ideal - 9.9
  3. Impale DH - sucked, tanky just no DPS - 2
  4. Tal Meteor - weaker than it was - 7
  5. FB Twister - strong - 10
  6. DMO Twister - not bad, but it’s like a clunkier version of FB - 8

Obviously, tested all these without Altar and about 2k para. Some gear was aug’d, mains were 130-150. All gear was optimized just not perfectly optimized. Still curious about the Rathma RGK, mostly because Impale RGK couldn’t kill anything at all in 135.

even after the buffs LOL…just proves to me that Blizzard has no idea how to balance this game…

I played like 2 weeks of season 29 until it was obvious that the cheats had infested the SSF LBs too and gave up and didn’t bother with the rest of the season. s30 will be finish the seasonal journey and that’s it I strongly suspect.

This game is DEAD.

Just keep in mind that I’m not saying Impale is bad, it’s just much weaker than other builds I tested.

Pretty sure Inarius, DMO, FB, Rathma all gonna solo 150.

if it’s still like 10 GRs behind the other top builds, it’s BAD.

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