S30 Ember drop rate

The drop rate for embers is way too low. It could be doubled or tripled even and it still wouldn’t be enough. There should be a way to target them, like bounty bags or put them in the emnity rift chest


I totally agree, we are in the PTR here the drop rate is increased and even so it is a miracle that it drops, seriously it will be a headache in the season if they leave that drop rate so low

Yep day 3 and I’ve yet to get the Shard stats I want to test because well RNG hates me but also Ember could use a boost.

For PTR though just putting it in a bag in a hotfix would have been nice.

I’ve played just about every day, even for a few hours. I have alot of the soul shard’s but the legendary gems are almost not existing. If PTR rates are higher than would be in a normal season, I’m out of luck. Not dropping at a high rate, sure won’t drop at a lower one.